
Posted 1M ago by @ToughKaroorose

Help! What's happening?

In just a few day this is the current situation 😬
What can it be? Water? Light? #Syngonium
2ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 14 hours ago
Oh no! I'm sorry she's not doing well. Given I'm not sure what/if any variables you've recently changed, it could be a variety of things. Have you recently repotted, made changes in temperature/placement, or changed sunlight exposure? If so, it may be in a state of shock/distress as a result.

If you've not made any of those changes (and even if you have) I would first check the soil. If it’s soggy, let it dry; if it’s bone dry, water thoroughly. Keep it in bright, indirect light, raise humidity with a tray or misting, and avoid drafts or sudden temperature changes.

If all other conditions are stable and the soil is neither dry nor waterlogged, trim the damaged leaves, check its roots, and inspect for pests/root rot. If roots look healthy and there are no signs of pests (and obviously as well, if they are damaged/there are pests) I would try repotting in fresh soil. Then stabilize other conditions according to those recommended for Pink Syngoniums, and resume watering as normal. Taking each of the actions above should help you find what's wrong and help her bounce back soon πŸ™‚
They don't like direct sunlight, only indirect
Do you have any humidity in your house or is your house cold? It looks like she dried out and didn’t get very much light.