
Posted 1M ago by @MΓ³Γ°irNyx

Should I be worried?

My burgundy rubber tree has begun to drop some of its lower leaves (they’re turning yellow and can eventually just be plucked off easily). Should I be worried? It’s seemed healthy and pushes out new growth otherwise :) I’m hoping it’s just dropping some older foliage. I don’t want it to get too leggy though, so any advice? #RubberPlant #Ficus #yellowing #BurgundyRubberTree #FicusGang #FicusElastica
1ft to light, direct
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Yes, rubber trees will pull nutrients from older leaves to feed new leaves pushing out 🌿 Sounds great! Hope this helps :)
Are you fertilizing it? It doesn’t sound like a huge issue but might be using the leaves in lieu of other nutrients?
1M ago
Yellowing of the bottom leaves is a sign for overwatering my rubber tree. I’ve only had two yellow leaves (all bottom leaves) in the 4 years growing mine. I immediately cut off watering until soil was try to give it a break. I’ve had mine since it was a tiny 3 leafer! There really shouldn’t be a loss of leaves on these trees unless it’s stressed.
@SJD your plant is beautiful!!! What soil do you use for it, mine is constantly moist at the bottom (terracotta pot, 10 inches) with a cactus/perlite/regular soil blend) and new growth has stopped, roots don’t look great relative to the plant size. Thank you!!!