
Posted 1M ago by @DarlingOlneya

This plant is getting very tall. Should I take and cut th...

2ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
If you move it closer to the light it will stop growing upwards :) it’s called reaching when a plant that’s usually compact starts to creep upward. You can totally chop and propagate the top! By chopping 1/2 the plant & taking the leaves from the stem where you chopped (so you’ll have 1/2-1/4 of the plant in the soil) then potting it! Water only when dry. But either way, you have a gorgeous plant! I love it 🤩✨🌱
@Prentyce it’s under lamp with a grow light that only comes on at night for a few hours it sits at a south window but there’s a patio so the sun only comes in for a few. I am going to chop and prop. Thank you for your help.