Pinguicula recovery and a new flower!
Proud of these little guys for rallying!! They were having some issues earlier this year, but they really picked up and now we've even got a flower!!
1ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@PlantMompy I'm setting up a shelf specifically to keep them out of the drafts for overwintering, with a grow light so they don't etiolate. This is my first winter with pings too, so I'm a little nervous!
@PlantMompy mine are all in windows too! That's why I'm so worried about drafts. I've also heard to water less, but I'm going to stick with the grow light because I went for a vacation for a week and had to leave them in an area with less sun and over a single week they stretched out really badly, the poor things. They've finally gotten back to their round selves, I can't do that to them again especially when they're going into dormancy.
@PlantMompy yeah I'd test it on that one to see if it likes the light, and move more under the light if you get a good result