
Posted 1M ago by @EmpalaWhispers

She is droopy today. Do I need to water her more? #plantd...

She is droopy today. Do I need to water her more? #plantdads #happyplants
0ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
I am new to crotons and just got a fire bush croton and he always gets wilty when he wants water.
Always check the soil before watering. They like their soil to *almost* completely dry out between waterings β€” watering too much or too often can lead to root rot, but you also don't want to let the soil dry out completely. If the top few inches of soil feel dry when you insert your finger, then it's time to water. Your plant card says it's getting direct sunlight in a south-facing window, which might also be a cause of the wilting. These plants prefer lots of indirect light, so you might need to move it a few feet back from its current window. You can also hang a sheer curtain, or find it a spot in a north or east-facing window.
In case this is still helpful, I have found that Greg’s recommendations are too infrequent for my croton. It’s partially due to a well draining soil. When they get droopy like this you have to water soon or the leaves will fall off. I’ve figured out a good routine now so I don’t see dropping but before as soon as I saw this I would water right away. Also I bottom water this plant so it drinks what it needs. My soil drains well so watering from the top would mean it falls through too quickly before getting absorbed. Also I agree with @stephonicle above. direct sun is too much for them and bound to cause drooping too.