
Posted 1M ago by @PlantsForFun

Here are pictures of my beautiful lithops. I found them a...

Here are pictures of my beautiful lithops. I found them at a store and I almost screamed for joy! What do you guys think? Pretty right? #succulentsquad #whatthesuccwednesday #lithopsarmy
Last watered 1 month ago
They are darling, looks like they have tiny smiles πŸ₯Ή
@Artistic_Stoner sorry for not replying sooner, yeah they do. They're the cutest plant EVER!
@PlantsForFun Stuff your sorrys in a sack, we all have lives ☺️ They are definitely cuties, I have one that’s splitting & pushing out twins !
@Artistic_Stoner can I see? πŸ‘€
@PlantsForFun uhhh yes 😬 peep the babes !
@PlantsForFun @Artistic_Stoner Wery beautiful plants!!! Living rocks are definitely the cutest plants ever!!! I just got some seeds: lithops (mix) 10 seeds, pleiospilos bolusii 20 seeds (normally I asked for 10 seeds, I don't know why they putted 20 seeds) and conophytum calculus 10 seeds
@ToMuchPlants you have so much patience to grow from seeds πŸ™πŸΌ awesome bonus of 10, those will be exciting when they sprout, and even cuter! Make sure to post progress pictures ☺️
@Artistic_Stoner I will, I haven't planted them yet because I'm in vacations, I will plant them as soon as I return πŸ‘πŸŒ±πŸ€
@ToMuchPlants can’t wait!! Safe travels ☺️
They are so cute! Idk why but I like Lithops.