
Posted 2M ago by @Araceae

Just a friendly reminder to check your local supermarkets...

Just a friendly reminder to check your local supermarkets 😊 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #OrchidLovers #OrchidOrg #Orchid #PhalaenopsisOrchid #NewPlants #grocerystorerescue #PlantLove
6ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@Araceae That’s a lovely orchid, well found ! πŸ˜€πŸ‘
@Seymour there was another yellow one that i think you might've chosen. I couldn't afford if however, $40 at one shot for a teen is too much 😒
@Araceae I haven’t seen a yellow one like that in the shops here ! But I know what you mean as it is easy to spend a lot of money. It’s a nice challenge to find something affordable and also beautiful like the one you bought !
That place is sooo stocked! So lucky!!
@StarryKentia $20.80
@Catplantaddict eh not really. Half of them are dying πŸ’€
@Araceae at my stores, all there is are often normal plants like flowers that might already be half dead

Once, I bought three Madagascar periwinkle in a four pack and one was already dead but it was on clearance
@Catplantaddict huh. Now that i recall, there was a dried up rose at that time. And i've seen pots that are just soil, god knows what was in there