
Posted 1M ago by @Charli3Plant

Succulent update! I've been going through it with my stu...

Succulent update!

I've been going through it with my students recently (I teach middle school 🫠), and we're all counting down the days until break. These cooler nights are really making everyone's colors pop! Decided to feature some plants that I don't have listed in Greg.

1) My Echeveria 'Blue Atoll' is 😍😍😍. It's exploded this year and has beautifully filled out her pot. If you look closely you can see pink leaf tips.

2 & 3) Graptoveria 'Opalina' and 'Debbie'. I love how pink these guys get when it's cooler out. 🩷🩷🩷

4) Echeveria 'Elfstone'. Sheer perfection.

5) Unknown Pachyphytum popping off with the purple. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
#plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #planttherapy #plantmafia #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulents #echeveria #graptoveria #pachyphytum
And some more plants, because 5 isn't enough lol
The farina is perfect!!
Pillowy succulents are some of my favorite ugh, those are GORGEOUS!
WOW 😍 I absolutely love the 3rd picture in the comments, looks like it’s wearing a freaking crown of itself!! Just beautiful.
My goodness.... just stunning!
Gorgeous ❀️
OMG, #Succulent heaven. Absolutely beautiful. I have four succulent babies and I certainly hope that with all the love and attention I can give them makes them grow as beautiful as yours. Thank you so much for sharing. My plant world has become my oasis in my kitchen over this last month; I teach high school and definitely need this when I leave work #NewPlantMom
😍 πŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ€πŸ™πŸΎ
The first two are pics of when I first got the about a month or so ago. They don’t look like they’ve grown much but as least they’re not dead. Lol. The last pic is [what Greg identifies as β€˜String of Buttons, but a more experienced plant mom in the community thought it looked like something else πŸ€” @ValleyOfErlease
These are stunning 🀩 the 4th pic.. elfstone I think? Is my favorite, Wow!
Wow! Those are gorgeous !!
@Charli3Plant hey! I'm a middle school student :)
Thank you everyone! ☺️☺️
@JesssJungle The Elfstone is the darker green rosette with the chunkier, shorter leaves. It's a cute little cultivar that's a pretty easy keeper.
Oh my goodness, that hear are so beautiful!
Wow these are all beautiful! Great job. Those colors are to die for!
@Charli3Plant what is the red one ? It’s very pretty!
@TidyTigerpear That's an Echeveria 'Autumn Flame'