
Posted 2M ago by @HelloSteppie

Jade Cutting/ Pruning: need advice and help on this one. ...

Jade Cutting/ Pruning: need advice and help on this one. I inherited this jade from grandmother. When I got it, it was in dense soggy soil and plastic pot. I repotted it into succulent soil and terra cotta pot. She is under a grow light. I also did some light pruning and took some smaller off shoots to propagate. My question now is can I cut where I put the purple mark and take what is circled in blue and propagate those? Trying to make it less leggy and promote new growth as well. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #Jade #NewGrowth
1ft to light, indirect
10โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
You can propagate jade from any part. So, the answer to your question is yes.
Those places look safe to me! Wait till it explodes with growth.. I love when I get the change to prune plants ๐Ÿ˜ also, if you didnโ€™t know, dip the ends & the fresh cuts with cinnamon to avoid any fungal problems, it works wonders! Good luck & sending green love ๐Ÿ’š
Hey Stephanie, you've mentioned repotting it. How long ago was that, and how long has it been in that particular spot under the light? If it was recently, I'd wait a few more weeks to give it time to adjust to the newness of it all before cutting. You'd probably be fine to go ahead and do it now, but for me personally, I'd wait awhile longer.
When you cut, let the cutting dry for a few days. Then sprinkle with growth hormone and plant directly in the soil.
@rinka hi! I repotted 2 weeks ago and it has been under grow light for about the same.
@Plantgirl56 I believe 2 weeks is the minimum. If you wanted to be extra cautious, I'd give it another 2 weeks. Whatever you decide I hope it goes well!
Hey there!
Your Oasis is gorgeous!!!
Plants so happy, healthy, and just plain beautiful... ๐ŸŒนโœจ