
Posted 10M ago by @TidyTigerpear

•Red stress coloring from these guys already 😳 , I’ve onl...

•Red stress coloring from these guys already 😳 , I’ve only had them here for two days now outdoors. The colors have seemed to develop rather quickly..
1- Echeveria ‘Aphrodite’, lots of red showing up, it used to be a bluish green-grey.
5- The red edges, & pointed tips on the Echeveria ‘Atlantis’, are also a characteristic of light stressing, or direct sunlight.
3&4- Calico Hearts, I’m trying to find the perfect lighting to get those gorgeous red speckles on the leaves throughout the plant. Maybe with time ? They have been under grow lights so maybe now that they are outside in more intense, direct lighting it will start showing again. 🤷🏻‍♀️🔬☀️🌿❤️ #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #Echeveria #CalicoHearts #AndromischusTriflorus #PlantAddict #GrowingSuccs #SunStressedSuccs #OutsidePlants #OutdoorGrowing #OutdoorSuccs #HappyPlants #NewGrowth
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
That first one is really quite the stunner, the pearliness to it is amazing… *adds to wishlist*…
@TidyTigerpear i like the name and the trident ! 🔱
@Seymour thank you 😎