
Posted 2Y ago by @Mappylikehappy

Lamby's impressive comeback drama

Drama Queen Come Back
TLDR: pictures tell the full story

Shortly after its initial purchase this Lamby had been a full blown drama queen. Then I though I had finally gotten the trick and she was doing well. But she said nope:

One day I noticed she was getting sun scorched. Moved her direct afternoon light to bright indirect. At first she was okay and then from one day to the next it seemed, she tried to fully die.

She was given to me by my best friend and was my first non succulent house plant so I was determined that she had to live.
And here we are, thriving. Not back to her full size but come one tell me this isn’t an impressive comeback.
Wonder what she’ll throw at me next?
#PlantsMakePeopleHappy #ComebackStories #NotSoHappyPlants #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PLANTMAFIA
0ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Definitely a nice comeback!
Love this!!! I love your pics too.....what a comeback!!! Nice work!😍😍πŸ₯°
@Mappylikehappy wow what a difference. Such a drama queen. She is beautiful πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Wow she really did make a comeback. Great photo recording of her progress, you did a great job, she's happy 😊