
Posted 1M ago by @StrangeAnimal

Some new growth that we don't always get to show! We all...

Some new growth that we don't always get to show!

We all get to see new leaves, but water propping always shows you extra little secrets.

This piece of lucky bamboo (+1) came off of a dying piece of my "love bamboo," part of a bamboo arrangement my husband gave me years ago. The roots on one, then another piece diednoff after keeping it alive for longer than any plant I've ever had. It got me into the hobby. I was really upset when piece 2 started to go, so, when I saw that it was doing the same as piece 1 (and there was no coming back), I did an emergency bamboo-ectomy and then performed some emergency maintenance. I still don't know if the smaller piece will make it yet, but there's hope in my heart.
#greggang #luckybamboo #propagation #story #personalwin #plantlife #newgrowth #rootporn
18ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Where there's hope, there's a chance! Keep doing what you're doing cause it's obviously working
Wow! Something’s happened for the good!