
Posted 1M ago by @LeadCupidsdart

Picked this up from the forest during our ministry and I ...

Picked this up from the forest during our ministry and I potted it right away when I get home. I've been wanting a #PolkaDotBegonia and now I got one. Such a beaut! 😍 I hope it will survive in its new environment 🫢 #PlantAddict #PlantParent
10ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Cutesy! I have one too, but it's a cutting from someone else.
@Catplantaddict Thanks! Nice to know that you have a plant like mine, any tips on how you keep them healthy?
How cool!
My little polka dot begonia is a new little propagation, so I don’t have hands on experience yet. But if it helps, here’s the link to an article that I found helpful. Good luck!!