
Posted 6M ago by @CelestsWorld

My new baby!! I found her at a nersary for only $15! Welc...

My new baby!! I found her at a nersary for only $15! Welcome home, sweet pea πŸ’• #newplant #RaindropPeperomia
2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
So pretty!!
@RadDaniRadiates thank you Danielle!! I’m obsessed with her!
Be careful with misting these sensitive babies …I was misting my raindrop and it blistered (1st pic). Switched to using a humidifier and now about a month and a half later (2nd pic), it’s thriving and I even got a new leaf!!
@PlantMomma4Life oh thank you so much! 😬
I bought a baby one from Trader Joe’s for $5 omg they so cute and I love propagating so cut off a leaf to propagate in soil I seen it on Pinterest that’s how u can make more so wish me luck lol yours looks beautiful love it 😍
@PlantMomma4Life thank u for the info hun I usually must all my plants so that one will be in the non misting section πŸ˜‚
@Luna978 same!!🀣
@PlantMomma4Life just picked one of these up today and noticed the same blistering on a few of the leaves. Glad to know it’s most likely from the store misting. I was concerned it was a fungus. At least I have him quarantined!
@Amateurbotany oh no! Not the new baby! Unfortunately some store don’t throughly research their plants and just mist everything. They are sensitive little babies