
Posted 7M ago by @TidyTigerpear

#TransformationTuesday this is my graptopetalum β€˜Superbum...

#TransformationTuesday this is my graptopetalum β€˜Superbum’, I recently repotted her after she got much to big for the pot in the first picture. She is now in yellow 3 inch pot that @Lifeis2short gifted to me 😊.
The first picture is from February 29th
The second is from may 16 when I repotted her
The 3rd-5th pictures are from this past Saturday.
She has grown so well, and I definitely recommend Mountain Crest Gardens for online succulent shopping πŸ›οΈ all of my plants have preformed well, & show stable colors, growth & health. Bunny is almost three times her original size, and loves being in full sun for most of the day. #HappyPlants #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #succytuesday #Succulent #Graptopetalum #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #BeforeAndAfter #PlantAddict #
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Your succulents are always stunners! You do an amazing job caring for them
Oh I love her. She's chonky.
@itsjordan thank you! πŸ’•
@JesssJungle right ! πŸ˜† she has grown so fast, I almost think it’s time for another repot already ! I just did it a month ago.