Received my #GregGivesBack #Giveaway #PlantyBoxofGoodies ...
Received my #GregGivesBack #Giveaway #PlantyBoxofGoodies !!!! I am officially tagging today as #SadPlantDay and what perfect timing! I received so many WONDERFUL things in my box that I’ll be sure to help all of my plants frowns turn upside down! Can’t wait to experiment with new medium, growing my first seeds and glamming up my creepers💜 Everything arrived in perfect condition with the exception of the mug. It is broken but I plan to glue the pieces together and use as a cute little planter! Thank you #GregGang @AwesomePlants #GregGivesBackSquad

Oh no! So sorry the mug got broken😩. But way to make lemonade!! 💚
@EZLennyLance did your mug break too?
@Amateurbotany what questions did you have?
@AwesomePlants I planted the monstera seeds (they appeared to be germinated so that question was answered!) in the seed starter, plastic pots, used root hormone on one set and not the other…now what? How often do I water? Is a grow light sufficient? I’m new to seeds and want to do what I can to succeed!
@Amateurbotany I'd throw them in a baggie or wrap a baggie around the top for instant humidity. You can spritz every few days or so. You want the seeds to be warm, not dry out, and get plenty of light (grow light is fine). You'll see growth in no time. So exciting!
@AwesomePlants Look what I found today!!!!!!! It’s smol but it’s a growing!!!