
Posted 4M ago by @JesssJungle

A Dipper update: he has been blooming like crazy, eating ...

A Dipper update: he has been blooming like crazy, eating gnats, and growing big under his grow light!
#collinssundew #sundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #happyplants #cpterrarium #boggarden #growlights #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth
6ft to light, indirect
3” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
So cool! Love the setup 🀩
Soooo cute 😍
That’s so cute!
I cannot get over this little guy! His setup, stunning, his flowers, superb. I wish him nothing but the best!
Go Dipper!!!!
@OrangeGrass @ballondusoleil @MusicalRedmint thanks y'all!! I think he is my favorite carnivorous plant, don't tell the others. 🀫
@LaSiguanaba πŸ€˜πŸŽ‰
@PersephoneAlata he has so much personality, doesn't he?! 😁
Oh so cool!!! I’ve recently joined the carnivorous plant club. Wish me luck on the 4 I have right now. I’m even attempting to grow some from seed😳😬😁
@YammieOf3 Your terrariums look great!!! And that’s a beautiful nepenthes too! 😁
@LaSiguanaba thank you so much 😊
@LaSiguanaba I added a people couple to the bridge. Just love it!!!
@YammieOf3 I love it!!! That’s so cute! 😊
@YammieOf3 aww that's awesome!!