
Posted 6M ago by @sarahsalith

#GregKidsAreTheBestKids and your favorite #GregGivesBackS...

and your favorite #GregGivesBackSquad of Aunties are at it again and just in time for back to school!

πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸŒΎ WHAT: πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸŒΎ
This month is ALL about our #PlantProtege and #FutureGregKids and those that support them (home school parent, teacher, medical/dental where primary patients are kids). Because this month's #PlantyBoxofGoodies are physical boxes, we are limiting entries to US addresses only (lower 48). TIA for your understanding since it's about the kiddos.

If you have or KNOW a kid that loves plants, please enter on their behalf. We will have giveaways for the following categories listed below.

*This month's #GregGivesBack #Giveaway is kid centered and will have items JUST for kids.* For safety reasons, we will send the box to you (adult) and you can coordinate sending to the child in your life.

πŸ“‹August 2024 Giveaway Categories (7):πŸ“‹

2nd Grade AND under
3rd - 5th Grade
6 - 8th Grade
9 - 12th Grade
Home School Parent
Medical/Dental - primary patients are kids

πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ HOW TO ENTER: πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ
How to enter the August 2024 giveaway?

βœ…You MUST list one of the categories listed above at the BEGINNING of your reply so we enter you into that category giveaway.

βœ…Reply to THIS post and tell us why the awesome kiddo in your life loves plants.

βœ…If you are a home school parent, teacher or medical/dentist with primary kid patients, reply to THIS post and tell us how you want to educate kiddo students/patients about plants.

If you have multiple kids you want to enter, please use a NEW reply for each kid.

The #giveaway is open NOW, Tuesday, August 13, 2024 and will close Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT.

For each category listed above, names will RANDOMLY be drawn for all those that entered the giveaway and announced Friday, 8/16!πŸŽ‰

⏲️ If a winner does not provide requested information within one week of the winner post, we will draw a new name for a winner.

Be sure to tag some #GregFriends so they know to enter as well!πŸ’– Don't know anyone? Type @ and randomly select someone!
((tagging someone is NOT needed to enter the giveaway))

πŸ’š How to donate: πŸ’š
The GregGivesBackSquad consists of a few volunteers that love sharing with our fellow Greggers! Want to help out and contribute? We can always use monetary donations as shipping for each box and the contents are donated by just a few so any donation you'd like to give helps! Please send a note to us at . Thank you! πŸ’š

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #EcoTherapy #crazyplantlady #DealAlert #PlantAddict #PlantingOnABudget #PlantTherapy #hoyas #hoya #newgrowth #whatthesuccwednesday #HoyaHangout #philodendron #plantmail #freshleaffriday #Greggers #plantmafia #PlantJokes #tipsandtricks
Best Answer
I am a public school teacher at the middle school level in Missouri, and I focus on serving our gifted population! I work in a high-poverty district, and many of our students don’t have experiences caring for or learning about plants outside of school. I’d love to have this chance to get a classroom plant that we could name, learn about, and care for! #teacherlife #teachersofgreg #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
oh this is a good one
@sarahsalith sweet! How nice!!πŸ‘πŸ»
um… i’m a kid, and i’m obsessed with plants, should i enter on my behalfπŸ˜‚
im literally only 12…
πŸ™‹πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ Hiya Plant Friend! Don't miss out on your chance to win a #PlantyBoxofGoodies Β in the #GregGivesBack #Giveaway !!
Β  @ManyLime @MrsSmith @LatiTish84 @Indoorgreens
Β  @SuperblyLilac @funnySycamore @KindCrossberry @LovingAmbrosina @TigerCrab999 @FoxySweetsop @ModestTumeric @ZestKapoktree @QuietCanadaplum @frbdnfruit @FairRibbonwood @AwakePalafoxia @VehementTawa @FitRadis8 @Fonda @MajorTropical @ClubbyMingfern @BriskQueenpalm @Hoosierplantmom @Bushallamanda @HeirLeafydaisy @CasualSaltcedar @BusyGardencress @hallowedencina @minklet @magicalriberry @poisedaster @lordbluepigroot @deanribbonplant @calmingsaguaro3 @sageserpentina @rareplantmama @lotuspalmboy @hotsacapellote @zestyeggplant @idolguineagrass @nikkib17 @electricaraceae @rootednmoore @maternalbasil @hiltsmemar @intenseencina62 @peppybluecereus @purivorytowers @classybunyapine @staytrlppy @blarceny @herotunicflower @immenselilac @yeahwhitespruce @dandyearthstar @nicewaterripple @radchismastree @tastyapplemoss @exactlykeylime84 @babyseacampion @politenapaea @snappyborage @fitguelderrose @holywhitepopular @sc119 @prolittlejewel @gladacajou @prosilverstripe @brisklatetulip @zappytreechium @topgardenprivet @solidogreears @leadbluevervain @delightedradish @bonusmedowsage @trywilddatepalm @scarletmoon @jeo0507 @holyjiaogulan @user0b281b71 @piousemoryoak @rose1012 @politeaf @sskkttrrbrain @artgirl14 @carnisnbegs @greatestdodder @creativechamisa @oodlessagopalm @ubercandleplant @tenaciousphalsa @noblehoyamillie @elementalchosmo @flashywhitestar @organictearose @zanybirdalbroom @yeahviloet @eelhsa @tayshway @user81014199 @plantingjules @classicchinotto @boldthymusalbus @fairpiceaglauca @classypunyapine @suerpumpkinash @anewscotchmoss @intensefanmoss @literaryhopsage @gnarlyspeedwell @bodaciousmiro @fierycamellia @kayknightt @dandysnowqueen @kindlain64 @naturalveilwort @amiablecilantro @baa3228 @knightnoblefir @cuddlyechinaria @blissfuldaisy @lovableoregano @flashywildlime @zingblinks @tidyaristaloe @proroccaverde @spiffysweetleaf @assuringpuka @sleektreeviolet @validguepinia @sanguinezelkova @keendaisybush @supernoob @earlthymugwort @gleamingprasium @summerymingfern @hotmountainrose @petcarrionplant @sportblusher @user28e77721 @crispopiumpoppy @hipoldmansbones @jestercoralbell @yiftxyanoxantha @funnygoldenball @mellowniaouli @jocundtusan @prizemockoyster @promisingpapaya @flyingearthball @zanybogbean @succulentslave @greatestdodder @newspiralcactus @totalcliffsedum @legitolivetree @welcomingchosmo @cuddlyluckjade @whitemilkwort @tidyfreesia6 @yummyjacaranda @snazzyapplemoss @yestrumpettree @dazzlingredtree @uncommonplain @zealcatmint @peppystomatium @yardloblollybay @nicehesperaloe @newwaterfoxtail @godlycowpea @gladlecanora @winfairyfingers @leadwalllettuce @dandywormplant @sarebear @missingmatthew @supremesainfoin @sharonngl @ubervu @destinedlemon99 @zinglilacmist @oz2az @mightilypilea @tycoonsweetleaf @yeahshangrila @alexandriaaah @foxygoatwillow @darrosecactus @restfulboxholly @chicsealettuce @athletedisphyma @zealoxlip @snazzyapplemoss @momof4seasons @famouspomelo @potterville @swhite1923 @mamaz @vigilantniaouli @subalp @civilhoupara @wintitoki @henpeck @ladymay @j4c1.d @politemossfern @stouttauhinu @surpriseredsage @jazzypeanut @goddessrockfig @logicalchayote @ccaaammm @mellowocotillo @worthydracopis @civicsmellfox @jyondo @zestfulsweetsop @gracefulrhubarb @doubtlesspilea @joseyprett @naticepondapple @cleanredash @rorrealpokaka @novelmymumrose @beautifullychee @funguepinia @primaryplanty @sikeking19 @movingblackgem @midwestgreens @duniel @beneficfivespot @casualsalfcedar @iconbiglaurel @little_dude @halfhalf @goldlambsear @greenthumbyogikimg @speedyf19 @skyunirose @quirkysmellfox @pachamonte @syngonium8 @bouterse @user1758 @bunnypie @kanyesvest69 @sebjefford @clairsheart @muttwubur @snoopyonalude @propurgingflax @tastyroyalflush @yearsugarvine @homelytaciveria @zingallotropa @stephonicle @sugaroregonash @aboundingplain @popcornjoness @silkybromeliad @sweetbanyanfig @daydreamer @cpknowles @pattoe @impishfallugia @felicitousalula @marveljuneplum @macstracks @Samanthashank @rareplantmama @pricklythumb @grandpyrethrum @jessikole @modesthardbeech @washkris @kraigparkinson @aporterfield16 @atrugem_ini @tastefulbeech @antiochhouse @smartaglaonema @plantdaddychi @jazzygardenerd @dearcantaloupe

@ChummyJadeplant @AliveFishhooks @FunGaillardia @PrimoTauhinu @BrotherlyBlinks @LoyalApplerose @user4871 @GreenGeek @TopDutch @LushRubbervine @greenhouse @SavantEspicia @TricksterAngel @Sanalovesplants @Plant-mom @Maalylondon @NewbieJess @collardamon @PiquantDodder @sopjoew @FieryMexico @ArticulateMoss @Brisleaves @PlantedApart @BotanicalNovice @WiredDaisy @LovablyFittonia @MightyMelon @GaietyOnion @FlexibleFuchsia @Sashby @BonusOnion @MaturePinkball @AssiduousLovage @SuccinctWavycap @AbleCorkelm @HeiressSalsa @AboundingBlue @clairsheart14 @LoyalApplerose @ForeverOcotillo @WinPrenanthes @MoneyedAgboy @AuthenticLoquat @BriskEmoryoak @LovablySeaaster @GemCrabapple @ReallyAster @GnarlyRadish @AdonicTurkshead @MightyCidergum @PioneerRedvein @GracefulMum @PrimalRosarypea @Monicanais @GrowingLentil @RefinedGollum @NimbleSmokebush @TrueCucumber @racheyj02 @ResoluteIvy @ComicArrowroot @KinglyBaibua @PractisedSalad @ChiefGalega @VividMatgrass @OriginalCoccoon @OlympianIvy @Dunksparadise @JoyousMullein @Bejoty1 @NobleCandytuft @MotivatedKaramu @FourstarElkweed @LoyallyOregano @SummeryCowvine @OrganicCobnut @DynamiteMangeao @BackupSweetmint @AffluentialMoss @PerfectPeyote @Positano @NewHawkswing @HelpfulLantana @LithePinebush @LithePineviolet @Plantdaddy1980 @LadyDandelion @FinestHouseleek @AdroitlyCat @WholeCoconut @CurrentMira @ProOakfern @BuddingFivespot @KeyTigerjade @AlertRedbetel @SightlyBlackpea @hollyelaine8 @FacileSedge @LeadWaiuatua @WillAngelmoss @GuruAirpotato @JollyRosilla @wunderkindpeony @silkenstinkhorn @barninja @sizablealbo @topdogveilwort @modeltamarack @vibrantlilac @genuinejicaro @gentletallsedge @statelychamise @vividflax @inspoiltcatnip @alwayskaramu @modeldodder @holylargethyme @strappingmahoe @bentonstarburst @freeruby @zesttamarack @politepigsqueak @heartycornplant @fairyofthevalley @tastyredvein @fastflamelily @funnyworm @dapperbonsai @yernjuniper @persistentchaya @movingblackgem @sharpagavenova @aficionadoplain @jewelledcoleus @joyousbearsear @j_willoughby2 @nguerre @kingpinveilwort @queenie @curiousavacado @zanyhorseapple @leadlemonbalm @kactuskrump @yeahpeacelily @moneyeyedlettuce @flyingnoognug @cheerfullettuce @genialmajoram @studiousbibi @jazzypatchouli @finestzzplant @unerringpepper @affluentquince @champcowpea @tastyhoyajade @foxybogbeam @radsilkvine @neatrhubarb @designersalsaify @copiousgrapeivy @sultrycomet @brawnychinotto @fineluckyjade @darlingcassava @unshakenchamisa @manychickpea @pintsizedfarm @marvelheather @sportyfern @macey @knightlypukatea @mentorcilantro @cuddlygreenash @sapienteggplant @fortunatechaya @caredforalula @exultantkale @melanie78 @funcrowndaisy @whizcrossberry @stoutchojubai @dashinghawthorn @shinysunbright @paulin @healthyprasium @nubs @topredclover @cuddlycentella @boxmonkey @niel777 @dynamicbarley @yeslemonfern @smashingsalal @megongreg @classicaloricad @niceweed @wholehoyalisa @mamat @perfectpinkpoui @maturegray @prominentnoni @brawnycapemay @totallychickpea @breezyfanmoss @crystallicious @goodysweetbasil @jesbeplantin @frost92 @worthymarimo @fastcilantro @famedcoralpea @questerzelkova @stylishoxtongue @soignepegaropa @precisewhitefir @lamsunrize @forrealchia @plant4us @cosmicyellowgum @busykanono @healthybegonia @plantznbirdz @lucentsnowdrop @lightworm @stablewaiuatua @exemplarylithop @sportcorkoak @cleangollum @aproposagarito @keyalmondtree @keenblueberry @preciseseastock @idolmyrtleoak @starchilli @athleticoakfern @exoticphlox @jrebels @contentpilea @prizedwhitefir @fierylakespur @honeyherbs @assuredasterium @dearearthball @savorystrapwort @vastcebense @everlastinglace @richreginairis @braverazorsedge @peacefulblusher @wingedflaxsilk @artistepignut @toadspring @impishseaaster @propermingthing @monstrea @academicpinoak @trywhiterose @deaoneytree @hardyrichweed @immensetrextoes @hunkycidergum @sirjellypalm @plentifulmahoe @rockingarrow @bigtimerichweed @zestfulapple @imposhwolfsmilk @gururedginger @growingblackash @adorablegreen @plantzaddyb @sultryguzmania @brightlecanora @spunkyradish @validwildpansy @juicyonion @directcapeweed @balancedhopsage @eminemtcowbane @corvidfan @perfectpinkpoui @small_ginge @botanistbabe @sillygoose @veryaloe @jrebels @superkma75 @jayrynn @sarledi @fabrubbercup @a.j. @planthoe40 @promptmullein @fitbrowallia @boymom-plantmom @classroomjungle @ted @sunnyw @laneylemelhaz @poshcardoon @analoou @mrgncrch @andymm146 @planthippie00 @greeneryaddict @plantladychar @hotbreadnut @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @premiumgabisan @highteetree @earnestmostii @saintlybaibua @miracleluscious @yammieof3 @sfastkiwifruit @nobleneslia @leoquintera @giddblinks @bestcilantro @elegantlentil @eagercoralpea @bestsagopalm @unspoiltaster @tutorcosmo @greanthumb @masterlycarus @unbiasedtree @headwildlime @fungusamongus @bestbentgrass @yardcorn @KikiGoldblatt @Hypsie @kscape @melodey @Teapott73 @meggy @tmbryant37 @OKIEgrnthmb @ManyLime @Sassylimey @ccrocco @Katrinabrown86 @Theplantypony @Kaleyeeaah @Ellasoasis89 @LatiTish84 @TJphilobsessed @Vjunc @CalmTobacco @ForFoxSake @Breathepeace @Natural @SoothingBogbean @suppptate @zay @lorenski3600 @Joedestefano @Blau_Ozean @AggroResting @malobee @silverlinings @AnnMarie420 @macysplants @MrsSmith @Indoorgreens @Cerberusofmars @Megongreg @planthoe40 @TruthfulApricot @Plantasencasita @EvocativePalqui @TexanExpat @Beeps @FoxyWarnockia @WickedValkyrie @tango @clairsheart @RinnyK @SpikeKing19 @BunnyBooty @Plantmom100 @SublimeCorncob @Plantmomma3 @PlantLoverLily @PetLovage @CuteDewberry @UnblemishedAtom @starly @ModernBoxholly @SoigneLettuce @ProbableYuzu @AroidApothecary @HeartyRhombus @heartleigh @Heartling @HeartyNeslia @PeachBlossoms @PunchyKalopanax @RadArrowhead @itsfabiii @ChosenBlueberry @ChosenBaybean @JocularLovevine @SilkenSaguaro @TrustingRedcap @GodlyChia @PreciseOrchids @PreciseCorkelm @Hilly99 @PlantEuphoria @Cheella @MuttWubur @GatherandGrow @TitanicMyagrum @TrichomeKing @PlantNerds @allsnn @abigailbrianne @AidanD @BlairBear @BeesZenGarden @Bev1026 @willbur @brynsome @brook.davis @brandtygreen @Bsquared @Camillering3 @CyberSpider @Corbalicious @Chelleree @Carlyallison @Dgracieh @DudeNamedDaniel @Dcook @danikabananika @Danib22 @Danielluh @Ellasoasis89 @eyeleash @Eschmeltz @emitchell @ejm1048 @Emmylou22 @FitSedum @Foxifly @Fabiha5 @GiftofGabby @Garrbog @grace.gillum @Hop @Indi29 @isaaaaa @isasgarden @JenHowell @Jilliebeanstalk @Jordankp2001 @jojoplants @Karaboo93 @kraigparkinson @LovingSunnyAZ @PeacefulBohoBby @lilygerow @Laureninportland @megsplants @Noodleslikesbutter @Nixon214 @Nicobenge @Olli.exe_ @izziemac @owenpolz @PlantyGoddess @pdubs55 @prisgoh @paigedelaney @QueenLaureen @Queenofthecows @QueenKandice @Rawaterman @rileycoleman @reiplants @swizzles @stephnicole @SilasOwO @TinaRedchic @Tewiewiora @ShibaSunroom @teebeetbh @userc8bc3b45 @uyeend @user7e582c5e @UnspoiltAster @user20f7cf44 @user7f4f3c63 @UtherPendragon @ungreenthumb @vvvelo @VvMiMivV @Veedoe22 @volakojo @vanevega @valmccauley56 @vanity @vanity @Lynnelovzplantz @Lynn775 @Camron @Nachogirl @PoisonIvy2 @aaronpeter @plantingideas @jaysjungle @FitSedum @AnewSnowflower @gerardo @yogijos @superblylilac @eringrins @laugravity @geniusramsons @kimtownsend686 @mrsfarrington @wingeddionysos @kingjuiiceart @ChummyPlantMum @Lovelyyuniverse @Breathepeace @BlairBear @willbur @reiplants @PlantyGoddess @PeacefulBohoBby @Katrinabrown86 @HeartyRhombus @VvMiMivV @xellaluvsplants @ShibaSunroom @Ellasoasis89 @ccrocco @gcilluffo @quinnprice @Quan @rubyvee @AwakeRaspfern @Queenlerica @CalmTobacco @Mossflowerwood @Teapott73 @TexanExpat @TheGoodWench @Yvonneplant @YamilC @uwakidris @Inggy101 @iveecandelaria @FoxyWarnockia @faethisx @ImmenseTrextoes @ziarauhh @vanessaledezmaa @Vantoune @Alfredsplanet @HumblePeperomia @clairsheart @GratefulPNWgirl @DeliberateIvy @CivicHorminum @GuruSatinwood @QuietButterwort @CopiousBeans @OrganicBonsai @tereasa7 @PeppyKale @YokeStingray @CoolHorsemint @MarvelMonstera @SnakePerson9 @FullBetel @CapCarter @ForrealMedeola @AbleLilliput @SelflessSaguaro @KnowingCapeweed @HappyBluepearl @WinTitoki @WiseWychelm @GoldPeanut @VividSilktree @MJplants @GenialEllisia @ChampTreeheath @YummySkyplant @BrilliantChisme @DreamyGasteria @UberRuby @PredominantMum @FetchingMakura @SizzlingBoneset @GutsyMiro @BlamelessEndive @ReveredPeanut @MarkedBoxholly @SaluteHeartleaf @SizableLuscious @YardBrownbirch @UniqueAcajou @Justa @BonusSweetsop @FacileKeylime @LikableMarjoram @RoundIronweed @TalentedIvy @HolySunstar @YummyBeech @AmberEhle @UntroubledHoya @YiftNapaea @PeppyOregonash @CrucialChosmo @MasterOlivetree @LoyallyLuronium @DinkumAjΓ­dulce @Amyupnorth @FoxyBluepearl @Theowood27 @FabMeadowflax @BoldLovevine @EarlySkyplant @HighCentro @NotJustAny @Natural @CozyNannyberry @RationalAnacua @TopLimebasil @HipBuffalonut @KeenAjwain @ZealHoyarosita @tcvg @TastefulBlusher @ModelSeagrape @AmazingOrchid @AlwaysSagebush @PureRadish @SugarValleyoak @DeanPaparazzi @OpulentPhalsa @OKIEgrnthmb @FullTreespurge @FabMoneytree @SmartMondograss @TryPalmgrass @YokeGrandfir @PeakCalendula @ComfortableMint @ClassicRaintree @LiteraryBonsi @SuccinctFanmoss @TutorTorgrass @SoulmateNapaea @PunchySedum @SubstantCowvine @PrizeRedpine @HotshotMum @SportCornbind @BigtimeRose @PlantyLady @vosswata @GardenGirl104 @RadCloudberry @TenableCocoplum @UrbaneAtom @CalmOxtongue @ZealOxlip @iTryandTheyDie @BreezyScrubpine @WanderingJew @MermaidGarden @ThoroughWorm @SubstantialTawa @planthoe40 @kscape @Breathepeace @CalmTobacco @Katrinabrown86 @Natural @Joedestefano @macysplants @pixieandpepper @4AuntTracie @MightyAssamtea @HonoredBluebill @ExactBullmallow @SavantRubberfig @RighteousTule @PrizeBibi @NaturalGlueseed @KindTutsan @Teak-Tree @YardBigfoot @GreenPower @FieryOgreears @NeatBrushbox @ClassyErophaca @HoorayRhodotus @KeenSpanishelm @Mcara825 @GutsyMelittis @YummyVelvetweed @DefiantBetel @FancyGoldenmoss @MightyLemon @BigwigSagopalm @jennysblessed @HuckleBerry @PristineCorncob @BrainyNoognug @HypnoticTukauki @Tella @MorePlants13 @saarrrr82 @AwesomeJuniper @TheLoneWulff @Junglefever @NightBloom @ImmenseKohekohe @SmartAglaonema @HaveABall717 @AdvisableWaxivy @HandyDeerberry @ChicChinarose @miraculousships @J0Y @RefinedKale @CuddlyAvocado @JessSchafer @NiftyFanpalm @UpfrontDisphyma @NodeAbode @Silverpriest135 @BodaciousAgboy @karmynsprops @BambooLover @ZsCoven @orcasmoke @AltruisticTule @KookyCowbane @DivineRose @Moira44george @xadarah @CoreyWindsor @ClubbyRutabaga @StablePersia @Tawnyglowworm @DandyHarebarley @LargeSilktree @lysthewisp @PinkOasis @YiftWaxvine @BeatificBegonia @AngelicChaya @DifferentMahoe @E1 @eadams @e.g.0627 @FabPignut @FourstarEllisia @FerventNeem @GoodyNikkofir @GracedCodiaeum @HealthySkimmia @HortonEarsAWho @iadisonepps @i11279pag @i.likeplants @j0rd4n @j3sslouise @J.Gradient @k0n0pka @K1kayla @k1tty_c0rps3 @k.rdlr @Luvinlife @mad @MaximalDamsii @MellowSunstar @N @n3lli33 @N8 @N.Griesemer1117 @o0alessandra @OarPalace @OasisdeChristy @O.h.p @PeppyFilbert @PurelyEdelweiss @Q @qh06st @qkka @Qtpiestevenson @RadRiberry @roesposy @SavvyHollyfern @SnazzyPalmier @SweetRimu @TactfulJubaea @TraveledHautree @TryComet @ThrilledWinika @UberDewberry @user8caa7fd7 @user77c12a69 @user77c12a69 @usere864cad7 @v0id.the_frog @Vaalrei @V.paquette43 @w0nderstruck13 @w0rmslut @W1ll @WadePlants @Waffle @WaffleButteredGarden @xanhasplants @zachtheplantdaddy @Z0mbieM0uth @zachmicah @13KerrILynn @404beth @7ohdubs @9Liacelestial6 @80twenty @6m1lfLover9 @420pennylane @57gremlinz @333jasiah @2020 @224_dssm @007plantlover @0LC @0nyx @WildlingWitch @SeamlessCat @MyriadMind @Jilliebeanstalk @Ezah @Caffinatedleaf @RadDevilsclub @FastApplemoss @YoungFreesia @JungleDreamer @OpenlyPhlox @Adamas @TotalMostii @Jagfuneral @plantmamma @CalmingRedflax @BabyLeaf @Addicted2plants @GreenHemoglobin @StellarPeanut @mommaky @Hilly99 @SisterLuscious @Shipshapeplants @NeatClusia @bunnyisplanting @Hypsie @Earlsweatpants @DirectRiberry @SilkyCoralbell @budoy @ChosenBulrush @Jessicab @LoyallyMiro @SoulfulMelittis @RichlyBluerose @QueenSunflower @haleyshhmaley @CreativeChisme @FunWaterfern @emmiev123 @ProLuckycoin @DanaLou @Mockmatter @MasterWinika @SwiftKale @ForrealPokaka @ChampBaneberry @TutorTorgrass @JinnysPlants @WhizPeyote @MariaOraliaC @alltheplantsplz @SvelteNeslia @PrudentFicus @GrownCobnut @PertinentLilac @CosmicNeslia @CivilHoupara @RousingCaladium @ETXScrunchyAF @DoyenneBearcorn @HeroicTauhinu @UniquelyJicaro @DashingLichen @PetLagunaria @LaurieJean @CConklin2010 @SpiffyKudulily @StoutNapaea @YardHawkswing @theplantkween @NimbleKawakawa @UpholderCobnut @PlayfullyGollum @FunnyCalendula @theplantmama @theplantmami @theplantymammy @tatortot38 @SubstantialTawa @ohellkites @Earlsweatpants @NewBushpoppy @SmartSeaoats @SoulfulMelittis @pelssy @StandupYuzutree @myplantjournal @SteadfastBalsam @JungleDreamer @PlantParentz @BonusChickpea @Inertia40 @LuvinLithops @thingsNstuff @GrandeeTawapou @Urfavplantmom @urfaveplantmami @Lizerbeem @stansrikusland @LucyOasis @WorthyWoreya @RealCogongrass @FunRattleweed @GaietyStarburst @SilkyFanpalm @VehementMangeao @CompleteAlmond @SavvyWildlime @LogicalBluebean @ShiningChaya @WhizWharangi @SavoryTwister @DrivenGreenash @FairGrugrupalm @CourtlyHope @PalpableViszsla @YeahFynbosaloe @GiddyCosmo @RadCineraria @clairsheart @VibrantOrpine @GracedInchworm @PetiteBibi @Plantmomrea @LushColtsfoot @TrustingLukiwan @LeisuredAgboy @MaximalClusia @SunnyAspen @Cnjohnson @ChummyAdelinia @JocundRedsword @QueenCowshorn @SilkyBroom @PurelyRamshorn @PeppyParsley @TiptopMelittis @LivelyKawaka @AnewAnthora @LadyTanekaha @BossWaterlily @LightJade @UrbaneSunbright @allysonwonderland @shopofhorrors @BestWormplant @DirectTawapou @Grandma2nine @BabeVila @SharpKhakiweed @HeyLillie @potsoverplants @UrbaneStomatium @JovialMungbeans @LuckyDamaskrose @ModernGinger @HonestAloevera @lunacat @FastChia @FineDodder @BackupVaseyoak @BackupVaseplant @AngelTobacco @PrimalBasil @SpunkyFuchsia @WillGreenice @CommendableLime @ChampLizardtail @PrizedAppletree @CourtlyTropical @ProlificAgboy @RealTearose @BrightLychee @SilveryOtanthus @HeroPokaka @Juliabelle17 @JocularChichipe @FastWoodvetch @SteadyHopsage @HeadCrassula @UberOrrisroot @PlaygrndLegend @HipGooseberry @ModernDevilsivy @WolfK @TidyBeachplum @GracedMangotree @Heyitsianb @BuffTaciveria @Kip @RousingSilktree @YesScolochloa @GreatQuenepa @PumpedupTwister @FullCamphor @PrinceWoreya @FullMizuna @FabulousKaraka @SturdySeaoxeye @AppealingFicus @ValidPinkcactus @CopiousLacealoe @GrowingPokaka @MajorOakfern @AvidTurkeytail @GoodAloevera @FragrantJubaea @SapientMystax @AbleFlapjacks @SteadyOrchid @SteadyOrchids @SteadyOricad @MelissaPPlants @MatureLungwort @YesStarcactus @SirCoffeetree @SirCoffeebush @AngelPothos @DreamyVaseyoak @HotHeketara @UptodateOlneya @SisterInchworm @SuperbBokchoi @VitalHouseleek @LucidBreadnut @MadiMonstera @silvershasta @PrimaryPlanty @HeirOgreears @HeirBogwillow @GermaneSandwort @MaestroCassava @SupportiveFern @learydarrel @LimberDracaena @LydiaConroy @SherryBerry @QuirkyBluebean @junglejames99 @PoetJunglevine @salami @Gingyhouse @TimelySunburst @Churritosplants @Houseofplants @HonestRadish @pelssy @VividSpinysenna @JoyfulOakmoss @Bplants @haleymae02 @plantstate @Plantstalk @debbiedo @ForeverMandarin @MuscularAgave @Sapphire9 @boldcowparsnip @sdubplanty05 @holybaylaurel @bellamiafarm @deftespostoa @truebluebogarum @richanthora @tiffc0922 @sunshiney121 @uberbeachrose @srarcoralcactus @salienthoya @luxuryjuneplum @hiparticrose @perkyrrdwood @earthymedeola @glossyfreesia @younglemon @hardypinkpoui @herojellycup @aestheticchosmo @plantbeach @sassyarecapalm @officialbulrush @uncommonredvein @traveledredlog @pumpeduplettuce @whizceratiola @socialtorgrass @alicebtokeless @profusepigfern @receptivecactus @yiftscrubpine @yummychiotilla @heylillie @adroitlynoognug @premiercuttings @calmcurlyheads @gentletawa @shrewdwatermint @ericaislife @starredbetel @divineredpagoda @quotablekatsura @astafford @trailingvines @likelyneslia @lucentdeerbrush @dynamicseastock @contentredvein @funwoollythyme @masterdigitfern @concreteguayule @unequivocalpuka @approvingtupeia @quaintlambsear @abundantalbo @perfectborage @blessedswampbay @yiftwormplant @freekapoktree @bigskinny @gorgeouslukiwan @intenseacajou @ebullientblue @tiptopsaguaro @puregasplant @wordsmithkaro @ladyliberal @karadione @jovialbrooklime @brunobarn @calatheachic @undividedrose
@NewToSucculents if you are a kiddo, please do enter. Please make sure you get your parent's permission first as we will need an address if you win to send you a #PlantyBoxofGoodies
What a great idea! πŸ§’πŸŒ³πŸͺ΄πŸͺ»πŸŒ΅πŸŒ±πŸŒΌ
@SageTreeheather I think you should enter!!
My nieces loves plants and grew their own garden under lights in their house then transplanted them outside! They are 5 and 3
@sarahsalith this is for the 9-12th grade drawdauhi am entering on behalf of my daughter Keary. She just turned 14 and starts high school on the 19th. She loves plants and taking care of them and learning about them, so much so that she has always done the gardening stuff that they have at school. In preschool and elementary school they had gardens for the kids to tend. In middle school they had gardens and a portion of their science class was agriculture. And now she has chosen agricultural science as an elective going into 9th grade. She has her own plants here and some also at her dad's apartment that she takes care of and loves. I want her to win, because she is scared about starting high school and I think it might brighten a scary day. I just found out this weekend that Tiger Lillies are her absolute favorite. The picture of her is from 2 weeks ago, she went with my partner to Oregon to see his family (i had to stay home to watch the dog he adopted that bites >.<) and they decided to pick out a couple plants for me from a nursery that was closing. That's where she picked out her String of Dolphins.
@ModestHardbeech awww! We are wishing her a GREAT year in school! How fun that you have your daughter that loves plants as well! Love if"t! Thanks for your entry!
9-12th grade category:

My bonus daughter Sofia, she’s 16. I have only been in her life for 6 years, she is going to be a junior in HS. We kinda started our plant journey together. To explain why she loves plants is to be honest… which is a hard truth 😬 she got a rough start in life. Her bio mom has abandoned her and she never really got that nurturing that kids need and deserve. And I think she loves living things the way she does, because she gets to be for other living things what she needed when she was younger. She spends part of her Saturday chores checking her plants, watering them, adjusting the grow lights etc. She has a Boston fern, satin pothos, lucky bamboo, string of arrows, snake plant, syngomium, monstera, and tradescantia and more! She aspires to have her monstera occupy half her room! πŸ˜‚
@AwesomePlants thank you!
@TheOddAsity ok, your daughter is a mini #crazyplantlady lol! We love it! Thank you for entering!
@AloeThereFronds Exciting! Thank you gor entering!
Greg kid here! Going into 12th grade! I love plants because I love the feeling of nature in my space. I love the idea of taking care of something alive that also cleans my air and the responsibility of caring for something low-maintainence (usually, anyway. Depends on the plant).
Am I allowed to post on the behalf of my mom? She's a teacher. She loves plants. She's not as obsessed with them as I am, but she does love to bring plants into her classroom to brighten up the environment. She also loves taking care of outdoor plants, specifically flowers. I think she just likes how pretty they are. She teaches English, so she doesn't really educate anyone about plants, but she still loves them!
@SesameSeeds777 how about you add that info to your post? (:

This would be the perfect time to get your mom on Greg! I've been trying to get my mom on Greg, too! πŸ˜†
@SesameSeeds777 Congrats!! Senior!! Yay! Thank you for entering!
This will be for the 2nd grade and UNDER category!

I have a four year old daughter and she loves plants *almost* as much as momma! She sees me care for them and she likes to help, hold them, and talk to them. She always asks me their names and she has even helped me name a few! We are currently redoing her bedroom and when it's finished she's going to have a couple of succulents to take care of in the southern window. My little future plant lady!πŸ˜πŸ’š
I am a homeschooling mom of 1 little girl which would be on the under second grade category. She loves to do planty things with me. She loves to plant shop and help with plant care. She loves learning about plants. We would love to receive a box to help further her education!
πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ can I enter for myself? I'm a college student β˜ΉοΈπŸ˜…πŸ€£ understand if not tho loll just curious @sarahsalith
@sarahsalith No words for how much I love this!! And thank you thank you thank you for including homeschoolers. Such an underrated group with SO much learning potential. When I was homeschooling, my girls learned the hydrological cycle and about photosynthesis and the cellular structure of plants… It’s such a vast topic and can be really quite fascinating if you have a teacher that makes it fun!
@slothz awww, this month's giveaway is for K-12 and younger if a student. But please follow the tags to enter the monthly #greggivesback #giveaway for a chance at a #PlantyBoxofGoodies starting with next month!
@oldplantlady thank you for entering! Oranges and peaches.. @sarahsalith and I need to come for a visit with our baskets! πŸ˜†
@Mckaylaturner awww! Mom's helper! Thank you for entering your #PlantProtΓ©gΓ© !
@HisLobster absolutely! Homeschool and SAHParents are 24/7 teachers without leave! 🀣

Are you still a home school parent?
2nd Grade and Under! My sweet baby girl is only 15 months old and while not quiet in school she does go to new beginning classes while enrolled in day care so hopefully she qualifies 🫢🏻

My daughter is super smart and she watches me (her momma) do everything you can do to care for plants. As she has since the days she was born she picked up fairly quickly to be gentle to mommas plants! She will run up to all the plants and rub them saying β€œgentleee” her her sweet soft tone. She has watched as I’ve wiped down leaves and she grabs the nearest tissue and begins to help wiping the leaves on the plants with the biggest smile and begins to clap as in she knows she’s done a great service to the plants! Oh how I wish I could show videos of all her plant interaction! When she’s not in a helping mood she plays with the grow lights and in a way helps other near by plants with some extra light πŸ˜‚
#greggivesback #giveaway #PlantyBoxofGoodies
@Mckaylaturner @BabeVila @MariansOasis @9Liacelestial6 @AdonicTurkshead Add your babies if you have em to the mix! Good luck everyone ❀️🫢🏻

I foresee her becoming a #plantprotege #FutureGregKids
2nd grade and under

My almost 3 yr old great-niece (she'll be 3 on the 22nd of this month) LOVES everything about nature. She comes to my house and first thing she does is check on my plants and ask questions about them and helps me water the ones that need it (she's intellectually WAY ahead of typical 3 yr olds). Her mom, my niece, also loves plants (she's a Gregger too .... At least she was! I think she's still on here πŸ€”) She's constantly messaging me with questions about her and her neighbors' plants. My great-niece will even tell me when she thinks I need to move a plant cause it's getting too much sun or if I'm watering wrong, etc. And she's usually right!
@AwesomePlants Oh, no. My girls are adults now, though I will most likely end up being a homeschool Nana! My granddaughter is about 22 months and her parents want to homeschool her, but they both work full time right now β€”I have her here 4 days a week actually. So… I’ll probably end up being the one to do most schooling with her, unless my daughter is able to figure out a way to make her dream of being a SAHM a reality. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜˜
2nd grade & under

My son Ollie LOVES helping me garden. He's very outdoorsy so any chance to touch some dirt he's IN. He asks me what kind of plant each one of my house plants is, asks if it's time to water them(he loves water too lol) and he likes to help me decorate the pots for them. He'll sit in front of my plant shelf just looking at them and it makes me wonder what's going on in that head of his. He will be getting his own plant on our next home depot trip and he is beyond excited
@sarahsalith I’m not sure how nominating others goes, but I’d like to throw another Sarah’s name into the hat. @RealSimpleMama is a classroom teacher, though I don’t know the grade, however I do know that she brings plants to school, and she’s already taught ME some things I didn’t know. For example: NASA ranks snake plants as the best planty air purifiers! How cool is that?!
This is a lovely thing to do πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌGreg is such a wonderful happy place πŸ’šπŸ˜ƒ #bestappontheinternet
@SwiftMojitoma oh, my, cuteness overload!!! This is so stinking cute! The #GregGivesBackSquad Aunties thank you for entering our niecey poo! We have something JUST for the toddler stage of a plant lover!
@Lifeis2short πŸ₯Ή yup, her #GregGivesBackSquad concur, she's a genius! 🀣 Thank you for entering!!
@Theclaudsterr so exciting for him!! You'll have to show us his plant haul...his #GregGivesBackSquad Aunties think he needs at LEAST 2 plants! 🫣🀭

Thanks for entering!
@AwesomePlants Thank you πŸ€—she is pretty darn awesome I didn’t know if I could add a video but I took some screen shots of her helping! She said β€œDhanks” (Aunties) and blew her sweet little kisses I’m sure she would be super excited to win ! She’s a curious little thing ❀️🫢🏻
9-12th grade category:
This isn’t for a kid, this is for me lol. I’m a sophomore in high school so i thought maybe itll work for me too? I love plants because i can watch them grow and thrive! I got into plants just after my dad passed away from suicide, and it’s helped me cope. I love walking into my room and seeing all my plants, it makes me so happy. The idea that they give back oxygen is so wonderful, it reminds me of how relationships with anyone should be, both caring for the other and giving back. I love caring for something else, and it gets my mind off things. Thanks!
@saydewuvsplants Thanks for entering! Plants and #plantfriendsarethebestfriends are a great outlet, so happy you have something positive in your life. Your #GregGivesBackSquad Aunties are sending hugs your way! 😘
I love this
2nd grade and under My awesome grand niece, Mary Townsend loves helping take care of plants at both my and her grandmother’s house. She loves seeing plants grow and feeling responsible for nurturing them. #giveaway
3-5th grade

My daughter has loved digging in the dirt since she could sit upright. She has amazing planty intuition and helps me with all of our babies inside and outside! πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ

My son is the logical analytical kind of child, who takes time to identify plants and what may be ailing them. He has such a gentle compassionate heart with that engineer brain! πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ

I teach library/STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics) to over 650 underprivileged kiddos in pre-K through fifth grade. I want to expand on their classroom knowledge and delve into things like weird seeds, carnivorous plants, and plants in art. I have five grow lights in my library and taking my plants up to school tomorrow! They all have name tags and the kids ask about them and check on how they’re doing. I’m happy to explain more, I could go on and on about how much I love my students and they deserve the world. πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ

Thank you so much for doing this!!!!!
@AwesomePlants i’ll ask!!
2nd Grade & Under-

My kiddo Matthew is going into 1st Grade this year and has had a year of him and I both getting diagnosed for ADHD and autism, and as I fell into plants to help regulate myself in a healthy way he followed my lead. He has named most of my plants, and his room currently has three plants of his own that he cares for, his favorite being the string of hearts he put into a planter shaped like a little puppy.

My amazing little dude has found so much joy in planting seeds with me, digging up spots in the rain to put in new plants, and watching pollinators flock to our yard. When I asked him if he's sure he wants plants in his room to take care of he told me that he wants them so he can pretend like he's outside with the butterflies and squirrels when he gets too worked up, and I can do nothing but fully support that. We love checking our plants for new growths, propagating plants in the kitchen to gift to friends, and learning about all the species of insects and birds that use plants to help them grow.

I want nothing more than to help him foster a love of plants and a way to make his space calming and full of things he can nurture so he would be thrilled to get a plant box to add to his growing collection as he goes into the new school year and says goodbye to summer vacation.

I don't post photos of my kiddos publicly, so instead I'll share his first two plant babies, Martlin and Seaweed on the day we got them after we repotted them into the pots he chose.
6-8 grade i’m a kid and i always loved taking care of things, whether it whether it was a doll or a plant, i would treat it as if it was my child. i already asked my parents for permission and they said yes as long as i don’t make a mess πŸ˜‚. all of my plants died over the summer because they got burned (i live in florida) and my mom can’t get me new ones… so it would be really great to win some!!!
6th-8th grade. I'm only 12. Can I enter myself? If so ..
I'm obsessed with succulents and cacti. And will do anything to get more. Every time my Mom takes me to the flower bin I have to stop at the cacti and succulents table.
3rd to 5th grade for my baby. He loves plants and has a green thumb. He brought home a neon pothos leaf last summer from a program and we now have 9! He takes care of his, mine, and helps grandma to. He has camp at the edible academy in the New York Botanical Gardens and loves pruning!
@HisLobster hi!!!! Thanks so much for the tag!!! I teach… a lot of kids. 😎 fingers crossed thank you thank you thank you πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
6-8th grade.Hi I’m entering myself because I have loved plants my whole life and have just starting getting into houseplants. Plants have been a way to help me get up in the morning knowing they would die without care and have helped me work through several mental issues #PlantTherapy
@RealSimpleMama thank you for entering our niecey poo! 😘
@Imissmydeaddog absolutely! Just get your parents permission if you win so we csn mail a #PlantyBoxofGoodies

Thank you for entering!
@RealSimpleMama 😘😘 Nephew entered!
@RealSimpleMama you are entered teach!!
@CactiForever absolutely! Just get your parents permission if you win as we'll need an address to send a #PlantyBoxofGoodies if you win. Thank you for entering!
@botanicalarts Wow! Impressive! Thank you for entering nephew!
@AwsomePlants Thank you. I will.
@Plants_Galore please just get your parents permission as we'll need an address if you win. Thank you for entering!
@AwesomePlants thank you. I’ll do that.
3rd-5th Grade
My daughter 'C' loves my plants and is always game to be an accomplice on a plant buying spree. The first plant she picked for her own was a succ, so of course, I managed to kill it. 😞 She now has two more in her bedroom, a calathea and a rescue ficus. No starter plants for her, she goes straight for gold.
6-8th Grade
My son 'L' is so sweet about his plants. His first was a marble queen pothos, which continues to thrive for him. He has even given props from it to both his grandmas. The day he decided he wanted another, he picked out a bird's nest snake plant and walked around the store hugging it. His favorite thing about it is that it gives "finger hugs" when you gently poke your finger in the center of it.
Children's Librarian
I'm going to share even if this doesn't count for an entry, but teacher is closest.
As a children's librarian, I helped plant and care for our little patio garden with pots with peppers, tomatoes, marigolds, vinca, and more. My coworkers and I keep some plants in the room as well (which has huge south facing windows). Finally, I ran an awesome terrarium program for families a few months ago. The results were super cute!
@RealSimpleMama 🫢🏻