
Posted 9M ago by @JesssJungle

Happy #cpclubthursday fellow carnivore lovers! It's super...

Happy #cpclubthursday fellow carnivore lovers! It's super rainy here today. I let my #capesundew Octavia get a little sun during a break in the rain.

I have been tucking her under a shelf on my porch so she still gets a little sun but also doesn't get too drenched. I have been doing this with my bog as well-- I'm a bit worried about over watering my new carnivorous plants, especially as they get used to their new environment! I have been pouring out excess water from the bog because there is no drainage hole.

I hope they do okay. Is there anything else I should be doing with all this rain? I want to keep them outside but it's been crazy rainy in Missouri.

And I have another question about cape sundew. Should I feed her? Or is it wise to let her settle in first? I just got her three days ago.
#carnivorousplants #sundew #boggarden #theamigos
5ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
I'm not so sure about the bog, but as long as Octavia's pot has drainage holes you should be fine to let her get rained on. All of my CPs stay out in the rain. The only times that I move them in because of rain is whenever we get Hurricanes or tropical storms (but that's also because of the wind). In summer it can rain for days in a row (with breaks of course - not consistently) and I don't move my plants inside. They love the rain from what I can tell! I've seen a few people put a hole in their bog so it can't fill past a certain point. Octavia looks amazing, btw! 😁
@Merranda thank you! I will keep her out in the rain then! As far as VFTs go, do they like to be less wet? The next bog I do, I'm gonna need to add a drainage hole for sure!! I did not factor in the spring rains.
@JesssJungle VFTs are still bog plants so I would give them as much water as the cape sundew is getting. You don't ever want either of them to dry out. I don't keep water in the saucers of my plants 24/7, but that's because it evaporates too quickly especially since they're outdoors in full direct sunlight πŸ˜… I find that my vfts don't mind being pretty saturated though. If inside I wouldn't completely soak the soil to the point where it's barely taking in water - I wouldn't do that outdoors either but it's probably a lot easier to accidentally do it indoors. A lot of people say that VFTs like to be less wet, but I don't find that to be true πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
@Merranda thank you very much!! I am waaaay less worried about them drowning now! Makes sense because they are both bog plants, and they like similar conditions. I will probably just make sure that the water level is drained properly if I see it too full, and monitor from there! 😁
Current bog situation. @Merranda
@JesssJungle @Merranda This was a great post to read as I get ready to create my own bog garden outside. You guys are both so knowledgeableβ€”I feel like I’ve learned a lot just from this post!!! 😁
@merranda I love your aside about the rain... I live in Scotland and we DO get rain literally for days on end! Haha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I don't think a CP would like the outdoor life over here somehow! Lol πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
@JesssJungle she's SO PRETTY!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯° @seymour suggested a Cape Sundew as my first CP (payday can't come fast enough! Lol 🀣) and I'm totally sold after seeing this little beauty! (May just have to get a vft as well πŸ€”πŸ₯³) And your bog garden is gorgeous! πŸ₯° Wish I could do that here they'd have a rare old time with the Scottish midgies!! Lmao 🀣🀣 xxx
@JenniB81 Hey Jenni, you can always blame me if you don't like your Cape Sundew.
Here are some photos of some of my Cape Sundews, you can see the dewy leaves and when I looked, I noticed the leaf was curled so that one bug gone and another leaf had two mozzies or something caught as well. They are also easy to propogate if you let them go to seed.
🎡 Come on payday!
Oh, I swear (what he means)
At this moment
You mean everything! Come on pay day!🎢
@LaSiguanaba same with you and CP Terrariums, Rose Red! It's a great collection of people.
@JenniB81 Hi Jenni, it’s funny you say that because where I live in the states (Oregon) also gets a lot of rain, tho I’m not sure how we compare to Scotland. Anyway, Whst I wanted to say is pitcher plants grow natively here along the coastβ€”which is even more rainy than inland, where I live. You might be surprised by how well a sarracenia might do in your area. πŸ™‚
@LaSiguanaba we had our first rain in 9 months, I was talking to someone recently who lived in Perth and said how hot it gets, which is true. I feel like I live in at least two zones at times.
@Seymour No rain in 9 month? I literally can’t imagine that any moreβ€”I grew up in Los Angeles which is very dry, tho 9 months might have been extreme even for us. Now I live in a very wet, temperate climate, though our 3 months of summer are glorious!!! It almost makes up for all the rainy weather. 😁
Ooh @LaSiguanaba I think Oregon and Scotland actually aren't dissimilar as regards the weather! Lol 🀣 you maybe get slightly better heat than we do... But as far as precipitation goes it's probably a close call! Lmao πŸ€£πŸŒ¦οΈπŸ’§β˜”

I can't imagine what it's like to live somewhere like you @seymour!... I'd prob end up MISSING the rain (though the expression "Four Seasons in One Day," of Crowded House fame, is literally true in Scotland! Lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we can honestly have a harr (light sea fog in English) in the morning, which burns off to bright sun & blue skies at lunchtime, then goes cold and raining by 5... and snow before nightfall!! 🀣🀣 Doesn't happen every day, but it does happen! Lol xxx
The old Irish saying, the difference between summer and winter is that the rain is warmer in summer πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚
I liked Crowded House !
You better be home soon, hun 😘
Didn't know about a harr so you are expanding my mind and my education, Jenni.
I will think of you as I watch Outlander...I think the final season ever is coming up with that Jamie man in a kilt. He would be enough to warm anyone up on a cold Scottish evening πŸ₯Ά 🧊 πŸ”₯ πŸ₯΅
@JenniB81 Yes, we can get quite hot here in the summerβ€”above 100F/ 37.78C! It’s unusual but happens at least once per summer, usually in August. But most if the year is cool and wet with lots of fog in the fall especially, snow in winter, and hail in spring. It’s an interesting climate! Tho I find the long grey (as I call it) difficult at times.
Omg RoseRed @lasiguanaba) I could NOT cope with 30+!! Lmao 🀣🀣 I'm very typically British in that respect! Lmfao 😎 pass the factor 50?! Heehee πŸ˜‚ xx
I also have a cape sundew. They love water! I have mine in a shallow dish. But I let it dry out in between watering, just like in the wild. This simulates what they would find in the wild as it doesn’t rain every day. These guys love sun. These guys do not need any additional insect feedings. My cape is a slayer of gnats and small flys. I don’t need to fertilize it at all. I would recommend visiting the website of California carnivores. They do all things carnivorous plants and have made lots of videos of different species including capes.
Oh, and ONLY use distilled water.
Thank you, I will have to check that website out! I only use rain water on my carnivorous plants and Calatheas, etc, that are sensitive. Also in my humidifier. It's been so rainy here lately, I've been collecting so much that I am just using it for ALL of my plants. 😁
If it’s hot outside (at least north Texas hot) high 80’s and 90’s, you don’t want the leaves to singe. When it rains in a bog it floods a little. Capes don’t mind being waterlogged on hot days. Just let the dish and moss dry out a bit afterwords to simulate natural rain. Sometimes in the wild a cape will have to wait weeks in between rain. It will hold onto water with its deep tap root system….it is built for it.