
Posted 2M ago by @mtplantlady

Oh my gosh! I am blown away by #greggivesback Giveaway! ...

Oh my gosh! I am blown away by #greggivesback Giveaway! This was the best surprise and has made me so happy and thankful☺️❣️. Just look at all these wonderful things to help with my plant journey and addiction,LOL. Fun stickers, plant name tags, dirt helpers, plant clips, some awesome #Hoya plant starters to name a few. AND then the big box (the wrapping alone made me smile) had a humidifier in it! Yikes, I’m so stoked. I feel this box was put together especially for meπŸ˜€I have been shopping for a humidifier, I didn’t have one. I can’t thank you enough @AwesomePlants #greggivesback #GregGang #PlantyBoxofGoodies ❣️❣️ I will definitely be donating to this so others can experience the JOYπŸ₯³πŸ€©πŸͺ΄ #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantTherapy
Best Answer
Yay!! We are soooo excited for you!!! Please let me know if there is something you have a question about.

Dump out the prop container of sphagnum moss, there are multiple cuttings in there, I put them all in one container for shipping

((The chopstick is a lifesaver; poke holes in soil before watering, shimmying roots when repotting or when they start sticking to the side of the pot, etc))
@AwesomePlants thank you so much! I did find the multiple cuttings:)). I hope I can get them to root! I don’t have any Monstera plants so I will need to do my research on how to plant those! Thanks again for all you do for #greggivesback πŸ˜”πŸ˜
@mtplantlady the Monstera Esqueleto will give you HUuuuuuuGE leaves! For now, just let the node root and get healthy roots. Once ready to pot, use chunky mix, I think I included some for you.
😘😘😘 to those that generously contributed! πŸ‘€ at some of your contributions to the #GregGivesBackGiveaway #PlantyBoxofGoodies !!
@TheOddAsity @RealSimpleMama
@AwesomePlants do I take them out of the baggie and lay them on dirt? I know that sounds like a dumb question πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚. That plant is bomb!!
@TheOddAsity @RealSimpleMama YES thank you for your contributions 😊
@mtplantlady all plant questions are AWESOME questions. Take what out of the baggie? Succulents? Cuttings?
@AwesomePlants the monstera node
@mtplantlady oh, you can honestly keep the monstera in that sphagnum/perlite mix and place in a sunny spot. When you see the start of roots, you can prop in perlite (I hate trying to remove sphagnum from long roots, I use sphagnum to ship or to get nodes started.)
@AwesomePlants πŸ‘
Very generous!
Omg that's amazing!! 😍 I had no idea you might get something like a humidifier! 😲πŸ₯³ Congratulations honey! I'm sure you'll have loads of fun with your prize! Xx
So happy for you! That’s an awesome haul! Greg is the best. How perfect that you needed a humidifier. The plants were communicating πŸ₯°πŸŒ±
@JenniB81 I know, me either! Such a fun surprise😊
@teacher12 Thanks! Agreed Greg is absolutely the best!!