
Posted 1M ago by @princesspitstop

Who in the world was I talking to who had a White Thanksg...

Who in the world was I talking to who had a White Thanksgiving Cactus in a terracotta pot recently?? I FINALLY GOT ONE!!! 😂 #falsechristmascactus #thanksgivingcactus #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy
2ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
That is beautiful! Now I need one.
@nellz4estfairyz Isn't it? You really should!! If you see one DON'T WAIT lol I regret not grabbing the last one I saw. Went back to the store and they were all GONE! While visiting my family 4 hours away this weekend, my Mother in law gave me this one! 😊 I love a surprise plant trade! I had a Birds Nest Fern for her. Lol
@princesspitstop that’s wonderful! I’m hoping someone in my life who feels the need to gift this holiday season (husband, kids, looking at you!) will remember that I like plants and gift me a plant. lol I don’t need anymore stuff, but I could always use more plants! 🤣 I purchased some air plants to gift to friends too. Seemed like a fun gift. Hope I don’t kill the air plants before I gift them! lol
@nellz4estfairyz Awe I hope you get some plants too! I mean it really doesn't take a whole lot to make us happy! We could be bougie and collect diamonds or cars! Geez! 🤣
@princesspitstop that’s right! We could be bougie!🤑 😂 I don’t really need any plants either. And my husband knows that, which is probably why he won’t buy my any.
OMG!!! What a wonderful plant!! And I love the pot💚 I see you have a real False Christmas Cacti era haha I'm happy you got it, it's amazing 😍
@Dariasgarden That's right! We were talking about how you have some in your landscape there that doesn't bloom! I was trying to remember whose plant I was admiring but it slipped my mind.
@princesspitstop yes we did! And I think I should have one to make it bloom (and to break my stereotypes) haha You inspire me with these wonderful pictures of blooming happy FC cacti! 💮
@Dariasgarden they are easy to propagate! The next time you see one, after winter of course haha break a piece off and plant it in some soil. And you can have your very own! 💚💚💚
@princesspitstop I didn't know that 🤔 Well that's a one more reason to have one thank you 💚
@Dariasgarden I forgot to mention that my brothers wife is from Ukraine. 😊
@princesspitstop oh, so she have to improve her English skills too haha At least she has a very good native teacher in her American family ☺️
Unique... stunning!!!!!!!!!
@CutePolypremum The blooms are so unique aren't they? ☺️💚💚