Outer Edges of Leaves (of Raindrop Peperomia or Heartleaf...
Outer Edges of Leaves (of Raindrop Peperomia or Heartleaf Philodendron (unsure which???) Starting to Yellow After repotting & Washing Roots with Soap & Hydrogen Peroxide to Get Rid of Gnats … A current picture of the situation is below. The original picture is also shown. The decline is very disheartening, help, please!  I’ve decided to take them out of the soil again and just put them in water for now. I’m so frustrated. I would love to see them in soil growing all over the place but the gnats just seem to keep coming back. Maybe it’s the soil. I used miracle grows moisture control soil thinking that would help with overwatering. Lastly, I keep trying to identify the plant on one hand. It tells me it’s raindrop peperomia, and on the other hand, it tells me it’s heartleaf philodendron. Any idea which one?

8ft to light, indirect

11” pot with drainage

Last watered 2 months ago
Oh no, I’m sorry! My first thought is that this pot is a bit too big for the plant! This can cause the roots to basically sit in extra moisture leading to fungal issues or infection!
I’d recommending sizingdown to a smaller pot for starters & then make sure the pot also has draining holes in the bottom so when you go to water, the roots don’t sit in water!
You can add cinnamon to the top of soil to prevent fungus gnats.
I’d recommending sizingdown to a smaller pot for starters & then make sure the pot also has draining holes in the bottom so when you go to water, the roots don’t sit in water!
You can add cinnamon to the top of soil to prevent fungus gnats.
Thank you @elisenavidad! I’ll try the cinnamon next time I put them in soil again. Originally all three were in separate pots. I just put them in this big pot because the roots are so big on each one. I lost some of the other leaves when I repotted it.
@PlantMamí oh gotcha, well it might be fine then!
@elisenavidad Thanks for your prompt reply and support ❣️🤗 I just did it a few days ago, but unfortunately, I can see the little gnats crawling around in the soil again so that’s why I was thinking about just pulling them out of the soil because I don’t want to get an infestation again!You’re so kind!
@elisenavidad I replied above before I saw this … Also, have you ever used Jobe plant stick before?
@PlantMamí I have no used them before! Why do you ask?