
Posted 3M ago by @TidyTigerpear

#succulentsaturday More pics of my beautiful babies! I g...

More pics of my beautiful babies! I got pics off all my plants so I could update the pictures on Greg. So here are som up close pics. Number 5 are two of the echeverias I won from @vvvelo β€˜s give away as cuttings! They are now plants 😊
1. Echeveria β€˜Arctic ice’
2. Graptoveria β€˜Debbie’
3. Kalanchoe tomentosa β€˜chocolate soldier’
4. Echeveria β€˜Atlantis’
5. Echeveria β€˜Lola’, Echeveria β€˜Dusty Rose’, & a prop of my super donkey tail! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #succulent #SucculentSquad #Succulents #SucculentLove #SuccerForSucculents #Echeveria #EcheveriaLola #Graptoveria #Propagation #PropDontShop #Kalanchoe #ChocolateSoldier #NewGrowth #GrowingSuccs
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Wow! They look amazing! That Lola from my giveaway is gorgeous! I hav never had Dusty Rose for giveaway. Maybe that is Lolita?
I can see what real sun does to succulents - they look amazing and big! I don’t have same luck with growlights 😩😒😭
Did they spend whole summer outside? @TidyTigerpear
They. Are. Gorgeous. Do you know what species they are specifically? Like Echeveria_____ . Adding to wish list! #PlantWishList
Wait never mind you LITERALLY added it to your post. β€˜Arctic Iceβ€¦πŸ—’οΈβœπŸ»β€¦got it!
Those are gorgeous!!
@vvvelo yes ! I like to keep them outside from spring to autumn! They have done much better for me outside and grown much faster. This is my second year, doing thing. I bring them outside once it gets to freezing temps! My grow lights aren’t strong enough for my echeverias, they work well for everything else but my echeveria need much more stronger bright light.
@vvvelo yes you are right it’s an Echeveria Lolita I just went back and looked! Looks kinda similar to a dusty rose!
@Sunshine_1303 thank you! And yes arctic oce is the name. I got it at Home Depot this size
@Sunshine_1303 i just saw Arctic Ice at home depot yesterday. It is very common succulent there.
Wow so Beautiful! I got my Echeveria from home depot as well.. question, do you keep it outside all day and night? Or bring in at night? @TidyTigerpear
@ChummySwampdock all day and night , until it starts getting really cold then I will bring them indoors to grow lights !
Those colors 😍😍😍

The Graptoveria is really doing it for me. Can't wait until mine looks as beautiful as yours. πŸ©·πŸ’œ
@Charli3Plant yes you have some gorgeous plants as well! Your collection reminds me a lot of my own lol! Very beautiful colors all around!
@TidyTigerpear thank you!! ☺️☺️ We both have an eye for the Echeveria it seems.
@Charli3Plant as close as we are we need to start sharing cuttings or something lol my number is 919-951-5334 !