
Posted 1M ago by @Chevysgirl11

#freshleaffriday #greenprayerplant My baby girl πŸ’ž getting...

#freshleaffriday #greenprayerplant
My baby girl πŸ’ž getting 2 more new πŸŒΏπŸ˜ƒ She has been the happiest lil plant this year And has been in flower all summer 😍 something which she hasn't done in years And I've had her from a cutting over 4 years ago So very proud of her I was going to repot her this year but seeing as she was doing so well I left her alone She gets misted every morning seems to love that πŸ’š
2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Hi, can I ask what them little flowers are ? I just started with house plants and my prayer plant has a lot of little lavender flowers on them. β™₯️
Mine flowered several times… very cute little blossoms