
Posted 1M ago by @WildNorth

I am so sad to report that despite the best advice and my...

I am so sad to report that despite the best advice and my hardest efforts, Post mALOEn was unable to be resuscitated. I have to carry on the legacy. Someone point me in the direction of a new aloe plant? #RIP #AloeVera #PlantAddict
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
Oh no!! Greg plant shop has Aloe Vera in for $15 at the moment πŸ’š not quite the same but an easy purchase xx
Nooooo 😭 R.I.P Malone.. May you be growing in plant heaven πŸ™πŸΌ So sorry!
@WildNorth are you losing all its arms take the dead arms off of it and put some succulent soil back in the pot then find some healthy roots and set it in the new soil I would just water it a teeny bit aloe plants usually do good maybe two or three weeks in between watering. Those arms are supposed to have water in them for the nutrients that’s what I was told when I looked it up anyway I would do that and watch it for a week and see what happens then we can talk about other options
@Artistic_Stoner we tried.
Takeoff all the dead roots and run it underwater and then dip it in peroxide. If you have any, Route hormone put some of that on the roots and then place in the top of the soil. Watch it for a week and see how it’s doing then send us a picture.
@clairsheart unfortunately, by the time I identified the problem he had developed rot at the core of the plant so every leaf was infected and by the time I got to the center there was no hope. He fought a good fight.
@JenniB81 I’m on the waitlist. Bummer.
@WildNorth we sure did 😒
Try emailing Erika at πŸ₯° she might be able to give you access right away

Or, in fact... Erika @Aikalovesphilos is there anything you can do to help Sarah out, getting access to the plant store? πŸ₯° Thank you! Xx
@JenniB81 aww thank you for helping! You obviously understand I’m experiencing a loss here πŸ™ƒ
@Aikalovesphilos I am brand new here, but I’m all in! Greg has already reignited a passion that, left to my own devices, was crashing and burning and taking a lot of innocent plant lives as collateral damage. I sooo appreciate you all, and I ❀️ this app
@Artistic_Stoner I’m sure we will have another opportunity! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
@WildNorth Can’t wait to see Post mALOEn 2.0 🀍
@Artistic_Stoner get out of my head! (No but seriously it’s scary in there…) I was just thinking of names for my new baby and couldn’t decide between 2.0 (because come on, that was a GREAT name) or if it should be β€œPostie” or β€œmALOEn, jr.” but I feel like you should coparent this thing with me, so now we await the arrival of post mALOEn 2.0 πŸ₯Ή
@Artistic_Stoner until then, Keanu Leaves has been a steadily rewarding investment. And Ke$ha is a bit of a diva but always happy. I definitely recommend a rattlesnake plant and a money tree if/when you feel the succulent burnout
@WildNorth Hm the rename is difficult πŸ€” I always like jr’s though! Post MaloeN jr ? Haha happy to co-parent! Even though I know you’ve got the second baby down πŸ˜‹ The name Keanu Leaves makes me laugh every time! I have a couple β€œnormal” plants, my favorite being an ornamental sweet potato vine, I’m obsessed with plants or flowers that are black/purple 😍 I have a couple hibiscus, but I greatly always appreciate recommendations from people, thank you!!
Oh I’m sorry post mALOEn is so beautiful 😒
@Artistic_Stoner I like the way you spell it better, too. So I’m thinking… Post MaloeN 2.0, aka β€œjr” at least until we have a TRUE jr!
@Artistic_Stoner I don’t even know what I thought I was getting when I adopted Keanu, loved the name and it stuck, which is somewhat unfortunate because I wanted a Snake Gyllenhaal or a Snake from State Farm. The leaves are beautiful! I think you’d really enjoy the addition to your family!
@JazzyBeebalm thank you πŸ™ hoping to redeem myself soon!
@WildNorth Haha I was trying to capitalize the opposite of mALOEn, the OG.. glad you like & caught it 😏 I like Keanu, but foreal can’t pick between the two snake references in which is better 😭 GREAT. NAMES. Rattlesnake plant is up my alley, pleasing to my artistic eye with the colors & the pattern on the leaves, the ripple is a bonus!
@Artistic_Stoner it is one of my coolest plants, by far. You absolutely have my blessing to use one of my names for your new addition! Snake Paul? If you’re into that…
Home Depot has a good selection of houseplants and should have at least one size and type of aloe. They also put lovely $20 plants on sale half off quite often.
@captainstardust good to know! Lowe’s has some good stuff for plant beginners, like unidentifiable succulents in cute pots for 1/2 price - gets me every time!
@WildNorth you’re a sweetheart πŸ™πŸΌ all these pun fun names I keep trying to come up with an original one myself lol.
@Artistic_Stoner we’re on the same wavelength, I swear. I’m happy to pass these along because I’ll see it somewhere or come up with it randomly, and mine refuse to change their names, so someone should benefit from a burst of hyperfocus, at least 😊