
Posted 1M ago by @Catplantaddict

The quest to root the pineapple continues! I found this ...

The quest to root the pineapple continues!

I found this container of RootTone F in my room when I got home. I guessed it was from my dad.

I immediately thought of using it on my pineapple. So, I took it out of its pot, which there were no roots, and ran some water over it. It looked like a fresh pineapple! I never knew it could turn so green again! Then, I dipped some of the rooting powder onto the base of the pineapple and put some in its pot as well. I hope it roots!

I used this on my other props, too, including the Golden Pothos, Hoya, and Lucky Bamboo.
#happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantcorne #iloveplants #newgrowth #planttlc #greggang #adhdplantlovers #propagationstation
1ft to light, direct
5โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
You have a great dad! Hoping the pineapple roots!