
Posted 7M ago by @Nash86

Medusa keeps going downhill! She has yellowing leaves. Wh...

Medusa keeps going downhill! She has yellowing leaves. What can I do? #helpneeded #RattlesnakePlant
2ft to light, indirect
3โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
Best Answer
Hi, Myriam! This plant is the one calathea that I really don't have issues with. ๐Ÿ˜† They are dramatics plants, for sure!

These guys love moist soil, bright indirect light, and they love love love humidity. If the plant is near a draft or AC unit, that'll zap the humidity out of the air.

And other thing about this plant is it hates tap water. Tap water will cause the edges to get crispy and the tips to brown.
Your soil looks extremely moist. Looks like too much watering. Sit it in the heat for a day or two to dry it out faster if you don't want to repot right now.
@motherearth83 I had just watered it right before taking the picture.
@Nash86 Is it close to the window? Look up its natural habitat and mimic that.
I was just out on the porch with my rattlesnake. Go figure. We've always gotten along, but this heat is really getting to him. I misted him, but I'm considering bringing him back inside where he can enjoy the A/C. I already had to bring my never never and dottie prayer plants in. All were suffering from heat stroke (I never let the sun's rays touch any part of them). So if they're anything like mine...maybe a few cool days could help? Mine are improving in temperatures lower than 100ยฐ
Lower than 100ยฐ. Geez.
I never thought it could stay so hot here for so many weeks. No life forms can handle temps we're simply not used to. It seems to be our job to help the wildlife...including bees and proving water. My plants are suffering too. Trying hard to figure out how to help them