
Posted 3M ago by @TheLonelyDaff

My Mesembs Now the younger #lithops are splitting and the...

My Mesembs
Now the younger #lithops are splitting and the #Pleiospilos is starting to split as well (may put them in separate pots soon) though it would be nice to show off. Anyone got any ideas for arrangements with these? #lithopsarmy #livingstones #splitrock
Those are such interesting plants! I'm not sure if I can take the plunge with them or not. ๐Ÿ˜†

I know that @Boymom-plantmom had some in a shallow pot, if memory serves me, but she's off on an adventure now and might not see this notification.
@TheLonelyDaff They look pretty happy except for the farthest pot in the picture- they look dry. But Iโ€™m sure no expert. I have had a very hard time figuring out the watering needs of mine. I have over and under watered (killed) some in the process. Mine are pretty small still. One has split and another looks to be getting ready to. I have used tea cups and crockery (with holes drilled in the bottom) that I am loathe to part with but never use. This way I can enjoy them and their history instead of storing them in a forgotten cabinet and never enjoying them.
@CuteChollipo Thanks, those ones on the end had just started splitting so i cut back on the watering so they can absorb the old leaves.
Oo thats a neat idea, might look into something like that thanks for the idea