
Posted 1M ago by @FullMajestypalm

Hello my plant and I are from a Boston! We wanted to say ...

Hello my plant and I are from a Boston! We wanted to say hello to the community!
5ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@FullMajestypalm Hi Sheilla! Welcome! πŸ€— Petunia is a beautiful ZZ!! I recently rescued mine so I'm pretty new to them but I love the way their new stems grow!
Thanks so much for the salutations! One of stems seems likes it s not as dark as the other stems and wondering if it’s sick?
@FullMajestypalm is it a newer stem? Also, when you post asking a question don't forget to use hashtags. It helps it to be seen by more people. So like #zzplant and if you also use a # it will pull up a list of hashtags. If you click on the ones with more people in the group more people will see it. No big deal just a little hack 😁
@FullMajestypalm I ask because newer stems are always lighter in color than older ones. It should darken as it oxidizes.