
Posted 1M ago by @princesspitstop

Awesome Surprise! When I got home yesterday my sweet litt...

Awesome Surprise!
When I got home yesterday my sweet little neighbor (I say that because she has to be my son's age) surprised me with a plant in this gorgeous pot! She said, I see that you like plants! You're dedicated! 🀣 I guess I am! Lol She's a precious sweetheart so I named the plant after her! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #freshleaffriday #pothospack #marblequeenpothos
3ft to light, indirect
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
@princesspitstop that so great, beautiful pot too 😊
@grateful_68 I forgot to mention that her and I have never spoken. Maybe I'll make her some cookies!
@princesspitstop oh wow! What a blessing. Yes cookie would be a nice jesture. Maybe she was trying to introduce herself.
Wanna lend me your neighbor πŸ˜‚? I’d love some free plants
@grateful_68 It was so cute because her parents were over there standing in her doorway when she brought it over like they were there for moral support kind of like showing her this is the way you do it. Lol it was so sweet. It has to be her first apartment. ❀️ I've already checked my pantry for the ingredients for peanut butter cookies. Got em!! 😁
@That0neCatGirl I know right! Precious angel. It kinda brings tears to my eyes and makes me want to do something nice for someone! It's contagious ❀️
@princesspitstop the beauty of kindness! It’s nice to know there are such amazing people in the world still ❀️ I don’t think I’ve ever met a cold hearted plant person. #PlantPeopleAreTheBest
@That0neCatGirl Come to think of it me either. Maybe plants are the answer to world Peace! βœŒοΈπŸ˜πŸ’š
Beautiful so sweet
@FitBrowallia isn't it? She's an angel. Totally made my week!
What a lovely gift from a lovely wee girl! πŸ₯ΉπŸ’š That's so unbelievably cute!! πŸ₯° And a beautiful mature queen!! πŸ’šπŸ€πŸ’šπŸ€ Xx
@JenniB81 I think her Dad is the green thumb in the family. She handed it to me and I said "Why did no one tell me that there is a stage of life where you start collecting house plants? You just wake up one morning like, this is who I am now." And I have never been more at peace. πŸ’š He seemed to relate to it.
@princesspitstop So sweet! And what a beautiful plant-pot combo 😍
@princesspitstop β€œthis is who I am now” I’m dying. What happened to us? What an adorable girl to give you a gift like that. The power of plants is undeniable and they can bring out the best in people. So glad you have such a sweet neighbor πŸ₯°πŸŒ±πŸ₯°
@princesspitstop that is SO sweet! I love the pot!
@princesspitstop What a kind gesturere! Beautiful plant and pot!!
I have that same pot!!
Beautiful plant @princesspitstop What a nice kid your neighbor is!
Dude that is literally S O sweet!! What an observant individual, she’s a keeper 🀍
@Azplantchic Do you really? I love it! It's so colorful β™₯️
@princesspitstop yes and I agree on it’s beauty!! While I love my terracotta, that one brings a little sunshine to the room.
@Azplantchic Totally agree 100% 😁