
Posted 2M ago by @JesssJungle

Calathea/Maranta/Prayer Plant/Ctenanthe Love Post. ✨ I h...

Calathea/Maranta/Prayer Plant/Ctenanthe Love Post. ✨
I have 5 of these babies and they never cease to impress me. A Calathea Dottie, Red & Green Prayer Plants, a Cathedral Window, and a Never Never Ctenanthe. How striking their leaf patterning is, their colors, how they MOVE and close up at night. (Pic of my Cathedral Windows in the comments while she's closed-she moves the most out of everyone.)
I also love how their new leaves are all rolled up when they emerge. They are just fascinating plants and among my very favorites!
I actually have two more not pictured: a Calathea Beauty Star who is in water, and my Rattlesnake Calathea, but they're in different rooms so no recent pics. If I remember I'll snap photos of them too and put them in the comments!
Now let me see YOURS!!! πŸ˜„
#calatheacrew #happyplants #calathea #ctenanthe #neverneverctenanthe #prayerplant #maranta #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #greggang #theamigos #jesssjungle #plantmafia #plantlove #calatheadottie #cathedralwindows
Gertrude The Great, Cathedral Windows, all closed up at night. πŸ₯°
Rattlesnake has been through a lot, but toughed it out and is thriving now, thanks to the people in the Greg community. Thanks to all!
@GracedStrapwort your rattlesnake looks absolutely beautiful!! I love these, they're so fun looking!
@JesssJungle I love them, so prettyπŸ€—πŸ’šπŸ’œ The striking colors and the personalities! They've got a lot more sass than any other plantsπŸ˜‚

There is a lot of movement among all my Goeppertias these days. I recon it is because of the change in season and less lightπŸŒ₯🍁
Here is a pic of one of my newest members, saved in Mars😊 My Marion has been a really happy grower, and is probably ready for a new repot soonπŸ˜…πŸͺ΄
I'm having bigger problems with my Cora though. I'm not sure what her problem isπŸ™„
She was growing great until it got a little tight in her pot, after the repot she got two new damaged leaves and have since just stopped giving new leavesπŸ™ˆ I even tried to repot again but nothing. She is still gorgeous though! Her old leaves is as pretty as always πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ©· But I really want some new growt too you know πŸ˜…
@MockingJay as usual, you have AMAZINGLY beautiful Calatheas. πŸ₯°
I especially love the colors on your Cora. I have never seen one of those!!