
Posted 1M ago by @GoldSpicebush

Ok you guys - this is crazy and so interesting to me!!! ...

Ok you guys - this is crazy and so interesting to me!!! My birkin had a leaf that was taking FOREVER to pop out and then once it finally did, it was TWINS!!!!!! #yes, two new leaves shot out once it finally unfurled. Note the whiter one that is to the left who was squished beyond measure, and the straight up one. I have never heard of a plant with two new leaves on the same stalk at the same time. #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday #birkin #twinleaf
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 10 hours ago
Best Answer
Typically with aroids [like philos, monstera, alocasia, anthurium, peace lily or pothos], yes usually only one leaf at a time. But with other plants it can be quite common, since a node can have like, 4-5 leaves [i've seen 7 bfr]