
Posted 1M ago by @BogBody

I found this snow globe a few years ago at target! And kn...

I found this snow globe a few years ago at target! And knew I was gonna use it for my plants! I finally have a use for it! I put one of my pileas babies in it! Everyone meet Centavo! #Pilea #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #PlantShelfie #PlantLove #ChineseMoneyPlant
4ft to light, indirect
4” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Omgoodness, isn’t that the best feeling in the world?!?! lol like FINALLY I get to use (fill in the blank with random object you refuse to part with bc you are going to use it…some day!!)
I’m so happy for you!! 🫢🏻🌱
Very cool.
Yoooooo!!!! That is next level epic. That like fills an itch in my brain I never knew existed. Tysm for sharing!! That is so awesome @BogBody 🀩🌱
That’s the cutest plant idea I’ve ever seen! Omg I just love it! πŸ₯°
@PioneerRutabaga thank you! Yeah, it took a while to find the right use for it. I was gonna turn it into a mini bioactive terrarium but this works too! πŸ˜†
@TotalRubyelfcup thank you! :)
@Prentyce the moment I seen it in the store I was like β€œI know exactly what to do with that! You’re coming home with me!” Thank you so much for commenting!
@Idplantthat thank you so much! That means a lot to me 😊
Awwww so tiny and cuttteee!! Keep us posted on how it grows! Also, is that just sphagnum you’ve planted it in? I made my first terrarium this afternoon and I’m on a bit of a kick tryna see how everyone else makes theirs haha!
@PiousWaterfern yeah, I use sphagnum to propagate plants sometimes. I usually use Leca as a drainage layer, then I put down some kinda of mesh so I can then put down charcoal on top of the mesh then I usually put a dirt layer. I can’t remember the brand I use rn. But after all that’s done I plant all the terrarium plants! Also, thank you so much! It is SUPER cute. It’s so smol X3