Meet Betty, my new baby Angel Wing Begonia. She’s very ti...
Meet Betty, my new baby Angel Wing Begonia. She’s very tiny, but has healthy roots. This will be my first begonia. #Begonia #HappyPlants #NewPlants #NewPlantMom #NewEnglandGregGang #PlantTherapy #AngelWingBegonia #leca #LecaLeague

2ft to light, direct

2” pot with drainage

Last watered 6 days ago
@PlantMamaH there is leca and small pebbles. This is how it was potted when I got it. I’m guessing that they started it in water and when roots started moved it to the leca and pebbles with less water. Not sure why the pebbles though? It seems like they would not be as helpful for the plant as the leca would be.
@PlantMamaH one local who plant shop uses it a ton, and I’ve seen it a ton online, but no where local sells it! I had to order on Amazon. It seems like a good medium for propagation and for the in between stage of cuttings going from water to soil.