
Posted 1M ago by @Chevysgirl11

#phalaenopsisorchid #orchidlovers #repotting Just repotte...

#phalaenopsisorchid #orchidlovers repotting">#repotting
Just repotted my #Lidl mini orchid I hope she will feel much better soon in her new pot and nice orchid mix -4-8mm 😍🌸 She's had a nice drink πŸ’¦ bk in the evening πŸŒ† sunshine now 🌞
2ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Such a cutie ☺️
Just getting the roots out of the spongie stuff will help! The roots look very healthy! But….. since you reported while she has flowers, the flowers may fall off. It’s called β€œflower Drop” they do it when in stressful situations. But if the plant isn’t stressed then it’ll be ok. You can go to the American Orchid Society website and learn so much about #Orchids #OrchidLovers and maybe other orchid lovers will help too! And you can go to, πŸŒΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒ»πŸͺ΄πŸž
Thank you πŸ₯°I really wanted to get her out that tiny pot she was in And this is the last flower of hers She's been in bloom since I got her a couple of months ago I hope she will not get too stressed out πŸ€žπŸΌπŸ’—
Thanks Audrey that teeny pot was stressing me out πŸ’—
Oh my goodness, always wanted a mini Phal! So cute!
Thank you πŸ₯°
I've had her a couple of months and she had lots of cream flowers
@Chevysgirl11 Looks like a nice addition, Caroline. The root well enjoy the new home !