
Posted 1Y ago by @DapperPineapple

Meet my wine grape breakout star!

🌿🌿 #FarmerFam Update 🌿🌿

We've got some new editions and some breakout stars!

Newbies (Courtesy of Country Nursery, Spencerville, MD): #dmvgreggang
🏡 #strawberry (a little dry)
#hungarianwaxpepper (coworker request)
🏡 #srirachapepper πŸ˜‹
#ichibaneggplant (insurance since my #blackbeauty is looking a little weak)

🀩 Breakout Star 🀩
This year's star is definitely going to be the grape vine. Only 2 yrs old so I don't think it will flower until at least next yr but after getting bodied by aphids last year, she's stunning!

I normally don't include outdoor plants in my Oasis but she deserves all the shine.

More pics in the comments... #eggplant #marigold #squashmountain #squash #brusselsprout #grapevine #strawberry #basketoffirepepper #srirachapepper #hungarianwaxpepper #sweetpepper #cherrytomato #kale #farm #garden #crop #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #deliciousandnutritious #fruitsandveggies #fruitandvegetableplants #fruitfarmer #veggiegardens #dapperpineapple
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
All the peppers (kale, tomatoes, and marigolds in that tray)
The eggplants
Brussel sprouts thriving πŸ₯°
Strawberry and squash looking a little (okay a lot) thirsty
Yay!!! Love love love it!!! I hope that food-producing outdoor gardens get a bigger presence here on Greg. I think it’s so fascinating and I’m doing more each year! πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
They look great. Can’t wait to see what they produce
If people are looking for other gardening posts, I haven't seen them post in a while but I remember @plantedinthegarden had some beautiful pepper pics last year. Also shout outs to @Herbalgreen25 and @PlantMompy for more recent stuff.
I've been debating adding grapes some day πŸ‘€

I just got all my cucumbers and tomatoes in, I have some nastershiums and herbs to plant too and my peas are starting to come up!
Oooh @PlantMompy how have peas been for you? I tried started them indoors but they were too weak to transplant.
@DapperPineapple I always direct sow mine and have awesome luck with them!
@PlantMompy how long does the cucumber take
@Jazzyj100 50-70ish days depending on what variety and if you plant them from seed or as a seedling.