
Posted 1w ago by @PoisedAlbo

Good morning ☀️ y’all @PlantJedi @Chevysgirl11 @TheOddAsi...

Good morning ☀️ y’all @PlantJedi @Chevysgirl11 @TheOddAsity @ILoveMyPlants @elisenavidad @ehery @BabeVila @oldplantlady @SweetAzurebluet @CourtlyKingfern @Michelle5986 @JenniB81 @Arid_oasis @JenniferWasham @FitBrowallia @UltraKoreanfir
Everyone in the tub 🛁
Good morning ☀️😃 ☕️ 🫖 Audrey @PoisedAlbo ! Loving your lineup this morning. Blushing is so huge!!! 💚 and happy looking. Cold this am to me. So glad to be on the downside of the work week, I think my allergies have kicked in and it has whipped my butt on getting going in the am, I fit it perfectly for Halloween as I feel like a zombie 🧟‍♀️ hope everyone at #brunchataudreys has a lovely day!! @Arid_oasis @Chevysgirl11 @ehery @elisenavidad @ILoveMyPlants @JenniB81 @JenniferWasham @Michelle5986 @PlantJedi @TheOddAsity @UltraKoreanfir @BabeVila @oldplantlady @SweetAzurebluet @FitBrowallia
good hazy morning 🙂 nightjar sighting last night just outside our fence
@CourtlyKingfern thank you yes the McColley is working on its 4th leaf since I got it in June. To have such big leaves it’s a vigorous grower. I also have severe allergies and fall like I know when fall is coming I sneeze my head off and my head feels all stocked up is actually my perfect holiday so I’m welcome it and yeah, it’s starting to get cold. It’s 51 here this morning.
@ehery aww that’s a beautiful bird. Bom Dia 😊 did I get it right?
sim, perfeito! (yes, perfect!)
@ehery I love learning new languages but with my very thick southern accent it’s hard for me to pronounce them correctly. My English lit professor in college used to tell me I should change my major to English. I can write beautifully. I just can’t speak properly. I’ve currently been trying to learn Cherokee for about a year. My mother was Cherokee. Osda sanalei (good morning) 
@ehery and you are Portuguese, correct ? Bobby is Portuguese and Welsh
@CourtlyKingfern She gets the first sun of the morning
i am chinese-american born and raised in seattle. my husband is german-brazilian born and raised in a brazilian tribe called the kaingang. between us we speak 6 languages! but not bragging, it is out of necessity. i spent 5 years living/working in mexico, so spanish is the 6th
osda sanalei! love it! good for you for learning 💪
@ehery wow 🤩 that’s awesome. Good for you. I took Spanish for two years in college but I have trouble rolling my R’s. I also want to learn Italian. My father is Italian and Irish and possibly Portuguese for Bobby though it seems about as hard as the Cherokee
just renamed these two so i won't forget ☀️
@PoisedAlbo @CourtlyKingfern @ehery @Arid_oasis @BabeVila @Chevysgirl11 @PlantJedi @elisenavidad @ILoveMyPlants @JenniB81 @JenniferWasham @Michelle5986 @TheOddAsity @oldplantlady @FitBrowallia

Good morning all 🌞🌅🌄

Woke up late, so short & sweet. I hope y'all have an amazing day 🙏

I learned Russian as my foreign language...because it was different. No plans to ever visit there, so I wish I would have learned German or Spanish. I believe Russian is an immersion language, so there was little chance for retention of more than numbers and a few niceties.

Weather here today: sunny ☀️ but will again get up to 90. 🥵.

My ROF is 🤢 sick. Currently in the bathroom getting steam / humidity and talked to sweetly. Possibly a re-pot this weekend. If anyone sees anything specific and wants to throw thoughts my way, I'm open. Stippling makes me think it has had a pest in the past, but I've never SEEN anything. It is asking for help, for sure.
@ehery aww 🫶🫶🫶 cute names
@ehery I’ve been trying to think of a name for my Philodendron Ruckus. I think I’ll name him Bom Dia 😁
@UltraKoreanfir definitely looks like previous pest control. I would maybe give it some support. You’re going to not like me for asking this but do you think maybe the pot is too big? I obviously can’t see the root ball but from the size it looks like it may be a little big also mine wasn’t doing like super super great and I put it in a chunkier mix and I let it dry out I mean dry dry it’s in terra-cotta and I only water it like every 9 to 10 days and it just put out this huge light leaf finally and it’s working on another one. Here’s what mine looks like. 
@UltraKoreanfir when it gets the leaf it’s working on. I’m gonna put mine on a support to.
@elisenavidad @PlantJedi can you see it? How fitting ? That’s Hannibal
Good morning beautiful people! @PoisedAlbo @CourtlyKingfern @UltraKoreanfir @ehery @Arid_oasis @BabeVila @Chevysgirl11 @FitBrowallia @ILoveMyPlants @JenniferWasham @PlantJedi @oldplantlady @TheOddAsity @SweetAzurebluet

Yesterday, I got a new Alocasia I’ve been eyeballing & also recently found out about!

Isn’t she cute??

It’s supposed to be 92 today here & I am readddyyy! Hope everyone has a great day 🫶🏻
@PoisedAlbo OOOO MY WORD 😍 hellloooo Hannibal 🤤 I think the name is VERY fitting
@elisenavidad is this a New Guinea gold or a Odora Aurea? It’s gorgeous
@PoisedAlbo wait, hannibal is the daddy longlegs? or the plant? bom dia the philodendron 🫶
@elisenavidad he’s so cool I actually have three of them running around but I know who he is because he only has seven legs. He lost one lol they’re beneficial that the other bugs and they love spider mite so they can stay as long as they want.
@PoisedAlbo Odora Aurea! 🤤
@PoisedAlbo dude most spiders freak me TF out like I go a lil nuts but that is actually kinda cute 🤣
@ehery he’s the daddy long legs. The plant is a Philodendron Bloody Mary and her name is Madame LaLaurie
@elisenavidad dude we have the same taste exactly I have one of those, and I also have the batik so the albo variegated one 
@PoisedAlbo we really do have an eye for the same things haha I love it!

That Batik tho 🤤🤤 Beautiful! I’ve yet to get my paws on one of those!
@elisenavidad crazy for years and years and years I was terrified of them. I thought they were like the most venomous spider. That’s what my grandparents taught me come to find out. They’re actually not spiders at all even though they’re spider like 
@PoisedAlbo yeah! We had these alllll over Southern Oregon growing up & we actually called them Mosquito eaters 🤣 Maybe that’s why I’m not scared of that ONE lol
@elisenavidad I found at my local nursery for 30 and they have them right now on Gabriella plants but they’re like 45. It’s pushing its first leaf right now since I got it I’m so excited. 
@elisenavidad you’re right that’s exactly what they are. They’re mosquito eaters they’re in that class of mayflies and all that.
@PoisedAlbo 30$? Ayyyeee deals on wheelz I’ll say!
&&& awww look at that lil guy grow 🥰 I call 1st cormdibs 😂
@elisenavidad You got it. I’d definitely send you a corm 😁
Good morning dear plant family: @PlantJedi @Chevysgirl11 @TheOddAsity @ILoveMyPlants @elisenavidad @ehery @BabeVila @oldplantlady @SweetAzurebluet @CourtlyKingfern @Michelle5986 @JenniB81 @Arid_oasis @JenniferWasham @FitBrowallia @UltraKoreanfir
I have been missing you all. My internet is down and it looks like it will be weeks before a technician can come service us. 😭This is why you might not hear from me very much.

As it is, I take screenshots of what plants need what. And then I, Ms. ADHD herself, attempts to tend to my 158 plants.

Today or tomorrow I’m getting two leaf cuttings of my dream plant. It’s a (drum roll) Monstera Albo!💃🏽 Hopefully, they will make it through the water propagation time to growing strong, healthy roots so I can plant them.

I splurged because I found a buy one highly variegated, get a medium variegated free. It was far from cheap, so who knows if it was “free” or just less? It’s a risky spend, but I’m willing to try. I charged up the cuttings so let’s hope they live well past my final payment. 💚🌱👍🏽❤️🙏🏾🍀💪🏽 until my internet is up, I will be outside my house and my neighbors house attempting to stay connected to the 🌎 via borrowed WWW.

My grandson, will have to do his homework outside and for a 16-year old…well, “it ain’t easy!”

I’m off to do a gig, I’ll see you all later!
Good…..!!!!! Morning!!!! Plant goddesses! @CourtlyKingfern @elisenavidad @UltraKoreanfir @Chevysgirl11 @TheOddAsity @ehery @Arid_oasis @BabeVila @ILoveMyPlants @oldplantlady @JenniferWasham @FitBrowallia @Michelle5986 @JenniB81

My plant kingdom is getting Small and it is sad. However, my main girls are enjoying the space lol. Some of these are going and it’s a mess in here 😂 afterwork have to clean… ugh!
@Arid_oasis A gig? You sing or play? And congratulations on the Albo. I can’t wait to see it. 
@PlantJedi wow that calathea is amazing 😻
Good morning! I love seeing how many plants we have in common. I love my parallel peperomia and my silver sword philo too! And my brasil is growing out of control lol I’ve given away so many cuttings! I’m at work so I can’t share the brunch fun but tonight is a watering night and I’m excited 😊 Hope everyone has a lovely day ♥️
@ehery that is so cool!
Good late morning @PoisedAlbo @Arid_oasis @elisenavidad @PlantJedi @UltraKoreanfir @CourtlyKingfern @ehery @JenniferWasham @SweetAzurebluet @TheOddAsity @BabeVila @Chevysgirl11 @FitBrowallia @ILoveMyPlants @JenniB81 🌞

Warm today, chilly tomorrow. Nursing the Mr. who picked up something in Nashville and brought it home with him. I've got him quarantined and spending as much time outside in the sun as possible. Hope everyone has a beautiful day!
Also a good morning to everyone here! I am working so I don’t have time at the moment to tag everyone but hopefully you’ll all see this and k ow how much I appreciate each of you! And I’m really glad I made the decision to fill my office with plants since I have to spend most of my time here! Again I hope you all have the best day! ♥️🪴
Good afternoon 👋🏼 everyone Hope you all are having a nice day Nice plants Audrey all queuing up
Two new plants arrived earlier
A snow white waffle plant I really love the colours and a desert rose 🌹
I hope I can grow them good I'm waiting on 2 cuttings from Etsy and that's my lot for this year 🤣 think I said that the other week
@BabeVila wow look at those shelves full of happy succulents 😮 😍 must be lovely to work in your little garden 👏👏👏
@BabeVila I love you office plants. Can I come work with you? 😇
@Chevysgirl11 oh my that waffle plant
Yeah her new leaves are here to take over. Her neighbor is trying to tower over her for light. Who is growing 37 new leaves! My exotica loves me 😂
@Chevysgirl11 cute!!! Love those little pots girl!
@BabeVila love the office plants! It’s soo nice! Love that for you!
@ehery Lol yes my succulents love it here! My office building is SO DRY it almost killed a Brazilian Jasmine I was foolish enough to bring in last winter (she is fully recovered now!), so I thought well I bet the succulents will do well! And they couldn’t be happier! 😇🌵 and then my other plants don’t mind the dryness either but I think I will get a small room humidifier for the pothos and ficus this autumn. @PoisedAlbo definitely come to work with me! Instead of office things we can talk about plants 🪴😂
@oldplantlady wait… where’s the pic love?
@PlantJedi your calathea is beautiful! I have one and it hates me lol
@BabeVila they’re really big time divas. I’ve learned the art of not tending to her every whim. She loves me more now that I ignore her more often 😂
@PlantJedi I’m going to try that! Mine has perfect humidity, light, soil, water… the triostar stromanthe right next to her is doing amazing! And yet the calathea is always getting crispy leaves for no discernible reason! Lol I will try being a little more hands-off with her thank you!
@PlantJedi wow what a mesmerizing photo of the cathedral windows 😵‍💫 beautiful
@PlantJedi what do you have her in? Mine is just a baby but they are gorgeous
@BabeVila I have a few buddies to bring with me. These plants just scream office plants
@BabeVila @PlantJedi I thought I was doing good with this one. I have a cathedral window too, but it’s just not my biggest fan. The only one that I’ve done really really well with is my white star and then I have this Rosiepictia that came from the plant shop dead and I cut it all off and put it in water all summer long and it’s just getting its first leaf.
Isn't it a cutie pie I don't know anything about them I'll have to read up
Beautiful plants look so nice when the sun hits them
@Chevysgirl11 they are gorgeous but hands down the hardest for me to keep happy
@PlantJedi Thanks I've evicted one plant to put the waffle plant in 🤣
There's always one plant isn't there to play up
@plantjedi @poisedalbo I have her in a good quality self-watering pot that slowly releases just enough water to keep the soil moist but not soggy. I check it daily to make sure and it feels like a damp sponge so I don’t think it’s getting too much or too little water. At first I had it in a regular ceramic pot but it didn’t like that. The new pot seems to have helped for sure, but I am still getting brown spots and crispy leaves here and there. But maybe she just needs extra humidity? Should I mist? I don’t usually mist my plants (except for ferns) because I’m afraid of fungus but what do you think? Also it’s a Calathea Freddie if that matters!
@BabeVila I mist mine daily. Always have. Honestly, the only plants that I don’t miss is the ones that have corrugated leafs or velvet leafs. I don’t spray heavily just like a light mess. Same thing a humidifier would do basically 
@PoisedAlbo Yes, the pot probably is a bit big now that it has lost leaves. It was doing fine in the bathroom, then I moved it onto the new shelves with good grow lights, and it rebelled. My plan is to put a sphagnum moss pole in there with it and pray. 🙏. I had been treating with Neem, but stopped that because I bought beneficial mites to try taking care of the issue. Not sure I got the diagnosis right. Perhaps it was thrips damage. I've moved it back to the bathroom and plan to re-pot with a pole at least by the end of the weekend. Maybe I'll switch to terracotta per your success with it. She already has Molly's mix. Would you try for something even chunkier? I'm not sure I've seen anything chunkier.
@PlantJedi It is so weird seeing your jungle dwindle down. But .. can't wait to see your new place and the new jungle you'll acquire!! 😉
@BabeVila. What is the brand for the high quality self-watering pot you speak highly of??? Curious minds want to know. 🙋
@oldplantlady I hope the Mr. starts feeling better soon, and hope you don't get the creeping crud from him!
@UltraKoreanfir nope Molly’s is perfect that’s what Phoenix is in. I only have a few plants in terra-cotta two of them being philodendron. They seem to work good for those two philodendron because they like to be on the dryer side. Also, I bought water them and the terra-cotta actually soaked it up so it does really well I’ll stick them in. I usually use a glass cake pan for about an hour and then let them drain for about an hour, and then every other watering I’ll just water from the top. I don’t use grow lights so I can’t speak to that but he is maybe half a foot back from the south east facing window. As far as pissed, I have Hannibal and his two buddies. I had Spider-Man not too long ago and I haven’t seen them since I’ve got the three daddy long legs. They came in the house and I just let them hang out on the plants . 
@PoisedAlbo I'll be looking for some Daddy Long Legs and rehoming them on my plants. I had no idea they were mite eating machines!

I DID keep the grass spider that set up a home in my aloe when I had it outside for two days, but surprisingly, I do not see that it has caught ANYTHING in its enormous web. I'm actually starting to fear she'll starve, but maybe it's catching and eating things that are just too small for me to see.