
Posted 2M ago by @Catplantaddict

Just received a propagation of a Polka-dot Begonia. It ha...

Just received a propagation of a Polka-dot Begonia. It had roots, so I repotted it into some soil. It is with another plant because the gifter said that they grow well together. Is this okay? This is my first ever begonia.
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1ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
As long as the two players you've poured together have very similar needs you'll be fine hun πŸ₯° and she looks great! x
Idk why not! 😊And she's beautiful. I love the name Rain Constellation
Love the name. And I love begonias! πŸ’š #Begonia #BegoniaBunch
@JenniB81 I'm not sure what the succulent is yet, but I'll try finding out. I'll get back to yall if I can't find out.
@SteffyHazPlants @PrizedShadscale I named her that because it looks like the night sky but with green, like a rainforest. Also, the dots remind me of raindrops.