
Posted 3w ago by @Shells_Garden

#SnakePlant #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #...

#SnakePlant #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy Hi everyone. I am in need of some help. I noticed this morning that my snake plant has a large black spot in one of his leaves. I only found this one spot on this leaf. They are nowhere else. The plant has not been overwatered and I haven’t fertilized yet because I’ve only had him a month or so. I was keeping him under a grow light with my Aglaonema because that room doesn’t get enough sun (see photo for idea of where he was placed) I’ve moved him from the shelf now. Do you think having it too close to a grow light could have burnt it like this or should I be worried I have a bigger problem? There are no visible signs of pests and the other leaves are firm to the touch. Thanks
2ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
I don’t think it’s nothing to worry about snake plants are pretty resilient that bounce back from a lot and can adapt to any kinda of light environment so I think it will be ok
@SuavePuriri thank you
It does look like burned tissue.
Snake plants are happy with moderate light, so you can safely move the light further away from the leaves.
One thing to note about snake plants (if you bought this fella from a nursery). They transport them with rubber bands around the bulb during travel and rarely remove them when repotting. I’d just check and make sure it isn’t still on. Probably 70% of mine have had the rubber band, and at some point it did cause restriction to growth and some black spots. Regardless of the cause, your guy will bounce back.
That’s great to know about the rubber bands. I don’t need to buy anymore because I have a great big one, but if I ever transplant mine, I’m definitely gonna look for the rubber band and let my friends know about looking for one on theirs. Thank you.
@DearPaperwhite thank you for that information. I didn’t see a rubber band when I potted her in her new home. I know they put a rubber band or tie around Money tree plants( I found it the hard way- stem rot) that is needs to be removed. I’ll have to take another look. I bought two separate 4 inch plants and potted them together in the ceramic pot.