
Posted 8M ago by @LaSiguanaba

I finally started my #BogGarden project, and of course I ...

I finally started my #BogGarden project, and of course I ended up doing something very different from what I originally planned. I followed instructions from a video by California Carnivores, creating 2 small self-contained bog gardens. I can upload a more detailed post on what I did if there is interest, but in the mean time, here is the video I followed #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub
That is awesome!! Those Sarracenia are beautiful especially 😁 Can't wait to see these grow and thrive under your care !
@Merranda Thanks! I’m hoping I did this the right way, because I really want these guys to thrive! BTW, Did you happen to get any of the VFTs from #GregPlantShop ? If so, you may want to repot thenβ€”both of mine had netting around the root ball!!! I think this might be why they’ve stayed so floppy.
@LaSiguanaba I just did that last night. They do grow them in those little nursery plug things πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

All those colors are gorgeous btw, your plants look very well taken care of πŸ’š
@itsjordan Thanks Jordan! It’s really weird about the root traps on those VFTs. It just seems like a really bad idea, and is a possible cause of the drooping traps on VFTs from this nursery.
@LaSiguanaba Indeed, I was doing some research on them last night and it’s a pretty controversial topic because some say they’re perfectly fine while others heavily disagree. They’re supposed to be biodegradable and thin enough for roots to go through, but most people seem to find they take years to actually biodegrade and not all roots are able to easily pass through the cloth. They’re great when the plant is young, but long term they don’t always seem to thrive.

They’re also made to hold water to keep moisture for longer, but if we aren’t informed the cloth is wrapped on there then we don’t know about that and end up overwatering the plant and rotting the roots! So, I guess it’s personal preference on what people feel about them πŸ€”
@itsjordan That’s really interesting Jordan, and I think I agree with you about the potential risks involved. At the very least, consumers should be made aware that the VFTs come with these β€˜nets’, so that we can make informed purchasing decisions.
@Aikalovesphilos Hi Erika. Just wanted to bring this post to your attention… it looks like the VFTs from Altman are coming with cloth root covers, and maybe it would be a good idea to let people know this before they choose to buy. Some of us have noticed that the VFTs from #GregPlantShop seem to be especially droopy compared to ones purchased elsewhere. I’m still happy with my purchase, just passing along the info. Thanks!
@LaSiguanaba That's good to know! I haven't ordered one yet as I don't have access to the shop yet (android). I will definitely keep that in mind when I do order one πŸ˜„
@Merranda Yes, I think it’s really important that people know this before buying.
@LaSiguanaba thanks for passing along the information. I’ll share this finding with the rest of the team! πŸ™‚
@LaSiguanaba it looks so good! I love how it turned out and cannot wait till they get nice and huge lol.
@Macstracks Thanks! It’s not quite what I’d planned, but sometimes we just have to pivot and change directions! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@LaSiguanaba Thank you for sharing about the VFT from the #GregPlantShop !!! I’m eagerly awaiting some carnivorous plants to start my mini bog and had planned to use a VFT as well. I’ll Probably use the one from Altman now VS the Big Box VFTs because of this post! THANK YOU and your bogs look amazing!!!
@Merranda I am happy to order a plant for you Merranda, would you like a VFT? Do you have discord or Facebook or a way i can contact you privately for your address details ? Happy to send you a VFT if you can provide feedback like this mesh issue
@LaSiguanaba what a gorgeous start to an amazing project! You never cease to amaze me with how you're coming all the time with these great ideas like the terrarium which has caused me to come and give it a go and now this big garden which i have been thinking on for a while and you just up and do it! You really make me wanting to get up and at it ! Thanks so much for raising the bar, I definitely want to give this a go now πŸ™‚πŸ‘
This is the video I watched where they use rocks and it’s such a cool idea. You did a great job!! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
@JauntyGrandfir Hey Josephine, did you intend to include a link to a video and also tag Rose Red? Or did I miss something?
@Seymour oh no, she included a link to the YouTube video by California Carnivores and I meant that I had seen it and also liked the technique they used to build the bogs.
@JauntyGrandfir gotcha ! Ok I need to have another look at the video as well…I got bogged down elsewhere πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
@Seymour You would! Lol yeah it’s a great video though and they have quite a few videos about bogs. They actually sell a bog kit on their website!
@Seymour I found my first plant to buy from the shop. It’s the Echeveria Neon Breakers. It’s so beautiful! I can’t wait!
@JauntyGrandfir I posted these links to someone and also at #cpclubthursday and #Seymour when someone was looking at these bog gardens. Rose Red is about to go to a CP park where there are sarracenia. Have you joined #theamigos, you are welcome to join πŸ˜€
@JauntyGrandfir I could have bought it for you had I known. But it's great Erika worked her magic, she is like the Tinkerbell of Greg app πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈ πŸͺ„
@Seymour These look like terrific videos so I’m about to watch all of them! Thank you so much. And yes, I joined the group which I still need to scan through. I’m pretty bad about using hashtags!
@Seymour You have all the hookups! Thanks for the VIP access lol I am so excited.
@JauntyGrandfir the amigos also jumped to FB so it allows for DM
But just let me know if you get lost with all the posts eg #boggarden #terrarium #cpterrarium

Eg for terrariums
@Seymour I actually don’t have a Facebook lol I wish they allowed for DMs on here. That would be neat.