‘Heart shaped’ #Succulents update..!💕🪴😆 Two of my favori...
‘Heart shaped’ #Succulents update..!💕🪴😆
Two of my favorites - Calico Hearts & String Of Hearts (Variegated). 🌿
My Baby calico hearts *FINALLY* started putting off some new growth, it’s been at a weird standstill for a while, I wasn’t quite sure why.. it hadn’t put off any new growth despite being in proper light & consistent watering schedule. I decided to repot about two weeks ago, & it has since finally showing signs of new growth. (Photos 1&2) it’s tiny, but I know those are new leaves! I have a larger one that has also been a fast grower, so I was confused as to why all the sudden it slowed growth. I think it needed a repot!
I also repotted my VSOH (photos 3&4) so it’s been putting off some new growth as well, it’s also been showing more pink, since I’ve been keeping her outside lately in brighter more direct sun. 💕🌿 #AndromischusTriflorus #vsoh #VariegatedStringOfHearts #variegatedplants #StringOfHearts #StringLoversTogether #CalicoHearts #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #GrowingSuccs #succulentsunday #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantAddict
Two of my favorites - Calico Hearts & String Of Hearts (Variegated). 🌿
My Baby calico hearts *FINALLY* started putting off some new growth, it’s been at a weird standstill for a while, I wasn’t quite sure why.. it hadn’t put off any new growth despite being in proper light & consistent watering schedule. I decided to repot about two weeks ago, & it has since finally showing signs of new growth. (Photos 1&2) it’s tiny, but I know those are new leaves! I have a larger one that has also been a fast grower, so I was confused as to why all the sudden it slowed growth. I think it needed a repot!
I also repotted my VSOH (photos 3&4) so it’s been putting off some new growth as well, it’s also been showing more pink, since I’ve been keeping her outside lately in brighter more direct sun. 💕🌿 #AndromischusTriflorus #vsoh #VariegatedStringOfHearts #variegatedplants #StringOfHearts #StringLoversTogether #CalicoHearts #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #GrowingSuccs #succulentsunday #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantAddict

3” pot with drainage

Last watered 4 months ago
@TidyTigerpear I love how you can circle the new growth! And the tiny little leaves in your hand - too cute 😍