
Posted 4w ago by @ValleyOfErlease

Decided that Neo needed to come up for some air so he cou...

Decided that Neo needed to come up for some air so he could breathe a little better. When I adopted him last summer he was wrapped around a sort of totem pole; now he’s free to fly whichever way he chooses. When I lifted him out of the pot I noticed that all of the plants were separated at the roots, so I expect that now since they have more room maybe they will flourish. 🀞🏾🌱πŸͺ΄πŸ’™πŸ’–
2ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
YAY neo!!!!! You have the best caretaker EVER!!🀩✨🌱 not to be weird but that moss pole looks so COZY!! I just know he’ll be so happy!🀩🌱