
Posted 4w ago by @cereal

HE’S GROWING!!! #Sansevieria #SucculentSquad #HappyPlants...

HE’S GROWING!!! #Sansevieria #SucculentSquad #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
For context, my snake plant β€œGiles” was super unhappy, and i ended up chopping him into bits to try to regrow him from scratch. I decided since i had so many pieces, to plant some in soil and some in water. One by one, a few died, others persevered, until today i check on this little guy and look at these roots!!!! I never thought this would work but i’m so glad!!! Hooray Giles!!! πŸŽ‰πŸͺ΄πŸ˜
2ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
(Don’t mind the yucky water, i had checked because i needed to replace the waterβ€”i did that immediately after taking the photos lol!)
@cereal 🀩πŸ₯³πŸŒ±πŸ’«CONGRATULATIONS LYN!!! OMG THIS IS INCREDIBLE NEWS!!! IM CALLING THE PRESSπŸ₯³πŸŒ±βœ¨ eek!!! Congratulations on your successful plant baby!!!
@cereal congratulations! I love it when it works! πŸ’š
@Prentyce Thank you so much!!! I thought for sure all the cuttings were going to die after the first five did 😭 I’m so happy my little experiment has shown results lol!!!
@JazzyGardeNerd Thank you!!! 😁
@cereal eeek! That’s amazing! I’m following in your footsteps now lol cause my props are not rooting ,, haha what’s the secret girl!?!πŸ€ πŸ’«πŸ₯Ή
@Prentyce Imma be honest, i have no idea what i’m doing πŸ˜† i’ve been loosely following this guide here:
I mentioned i’m using all kinds of methodsβ€”i had around 3 or 4 in water, and 5 or 6 in soil. Many have rotted since then and i’m left with 3 in soil (none have taken root yet but they aren’t dead yet either!) and then this lovely one who is the only one left on β€˜team water’ (its siblings rotted almost immediately) 🀣 I’ll update if the ones in soil show any growth, but for now we have one out of ~10 who is showing promise!! The luck of the draw πŸ˜‚
@cereal ugh I feel that so much!! Omg!!! I cannot believe it!! I think 2 of the 3 waters are rotting… but my perlite water guy is fine!! What the in the plant world 🀠πŸͺ΄πŸŒ± we’ll keep up the great garden expert work Lyn!🀩πŸ₯³πŸͺ΄
@Prentyce Glad to hear some of yours are pulling through! It always is sad losing some along the way but man it feels great when the others endure πŸ˜πŸ’š Best of luck to you as well!!! ✨
It feels good when you see baby roots or new greenery on those props or root cuttings. Congrats! I have never done any in water.
@RefinedSandwort I agree! And thank you! 😁 this is my first time using the water methodβ€”like i mentioned in one of my comments, the other few i put in water rotted quickly but this one seemed to like it just fine!
@cereal that’s awesome Lyn! I have some splits in mine (I think from over watering) got that under control and Eve is putting out pups. I figure I would leave her alone for now. So happy for you though! πŸͺ΄πŸŒˆπŸͺ΄πŸŒˆπŸͺ΄
@GreenPurpose Thank you! 😁 I’m glad you’re having some luck with your snake plant too! It’s hard to figure them outβ€”mine had issues with watering as well. Hoping these second chances will go well for both of us haha! πŸ’šπŸͺ΄