
Posted 1M ago by @GrandAnchistea

Penny with all her pups. I cut them off mother penny and ...

Penny with all her pups. I cut them off mother penny and then put honey on the cut part of the pup before planting them onto soil and they have been doing VERY well. Penny also has two more pups growing but they have slowed down since it is winter, I will plant them come spring. #HappyPlants #PropagationStation #Pilea #ChineseMoneyPlant
1ft to light, indirect
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Oh Bethany.
They are beautiful! So delicate. I love them πŸ˜πŸ€—
Am concerned about no drainage holes...
@CutePolypremum I was too but so far they have been doing very well, I let the soil dry between waters and I keep an eye on them. So far no issues. I know they are super prone to root rot so I er on the side of less is more and it’s been working alright for me over these past few months now
Especially since buying the mother plant I got all these pups from it!
@GrandAnchistea so should I cut the pups off the mother #? I have two that has grown I thought it was unique but I noticed my leaves started to fall off on the mother plant
@DrGreen I would, just because they may sap life from the mother plant. Maybe make a post so people that have had the plant a bit longer can answer. But that’s what I did, I cut right at the base where it connects to the mother and put honey on the pup and just put it in the dirt and it took for me.
Gorgeous!! They all look so healthy. Great job!!πŸŒ±πŸ’š
I added a bit to my collection today and almost bought one but chose something else. I’m green with envy and may have to return to the store to purchase one tomorrow
@GuruWildpapaya I would recommend it, I love these plants so very much
@GrandAnchistea hi! πŸ‘‹ do you have any tips on how to get this plant to grow pups? I’ve had mine for several months and no pups yet.
@nellz4estfairyz I honestly don’t, I got my plant and it just started to produce pups for me, I would assume make sure that your plant is getting everything it needs and then in the growing season fertilize it. Other than that I’m relatively knew to growing pancake plants, but my plant store says mine must be a very happy plant if it’s producing pups.
Maybe if you make a question post some other people will have better tips and or tricks 🀞🏼
Oooo so pretty! What does the honey do?
@GrandAnchistea thank you. Whatever you’re doing you’re doing it right! 😍
@RadiantGinseng when I was looking into how to cut the pups away from the main plant, I guess it prevents any sort of infection from taking hold on the wounded part of the plant as well as maybe encourages root growth. I used it instead of rooting hormone.
What's the secret here? I unalived one already, the one I have now is small, doesn't really like me much πŸ˜† it has well draining soil, and a grow light, humidifier and I water with rainwater What gives? I'm about to put it in a non draining pot like you did πŸ˜† seriously though, why can't I keep "easy" plants alive?
@PlantBeach honestly I have no idea. I don’t have mine in any direct sunlight, they are in the south window with a filtered light. I know it doesn’t really love direct sunlight, since it naturally grows in shady areas so I keep mine out of direct sunlight. If I had pots with draining they would be in there instead. They are temperamental and prone to root rot. They like it damp but not wet, so I make sure the soil is dry to about an inch between waters and I don’t flood them. And I water with tap water here. Other than that I don’t know why it’s so happy for me, it just is 🀣