
Posted 1M ago by @GoPlantGo

My new addition to my haven...philodendron orange marmala...

My new addition to my haven...philodendron orange marmalade #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantdads #happyplants #plantdaddy #newplantdad
10ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
She's lovely! I love the colour shift Philos ðŸĨ° watching my PoO (lol unfortunate acronym for a Prince of Orange isn't it?! 😜ðŸĪĢ) unfurl fire truck red leaves that slowly fade through orange into green!

Such striking patterning on the leaves as well... I've been eyeing one up myself recently (but the Snowdrift has really got my attention at the moment... Seasonal too! Haha 😂) x
Thanks @JenniB81, her colors are amazing. Hopefully, I she give me more leaves with the patterns and colors.

Hope you get that Snowdrift ðŸŠī - they are beautiful 😍.