
Posted 1M ago by @noemijane1

My english ivy plant came in a pot with soil. They were g...

My english ivy plant came in a pot with soil. They were great for a while but then became dry at one time maybe too much water or lack of water. So i decided to just have them in water. Now they look great. Leaves are firm and and seems happy. Used these empty machi-machi bottles and i like them.πŸ₯° #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #EnglishIvy #waterpropagation #plantsinwater
Last watered 1 month ago
@StarryKentia thanks☺️
I am having such a hard time with mine, just have one little piece of her left. I’m going to have to do this and see if it saves her.
They look great!
@ShinyDragontree yes just put it in water. Make sure a node is submerge in water. This one in the photo was broken off from the mother plant when i was moving it. So i set her up in my cute empty scentsy container and now she has rooted.πŸ₯°
@noemijane1 I’ll be doing that today for sure. Are you going to just keep yours in water?