
Posted 2M ago by @SoundlyAnahaw

My Pinstripe Calathea is struggling 😰 Hello everyone! No...

My Pinstripe Calathea is struggling 😰

Hello everyone! Not sure what is going on with my plant. I put her near a North facing window with indirect light because I read she doesn’t like too much sun. I try to water her with filtered water, but the last 2-3 watering I had to use normal water.
She’s losing leaves and not sure why! I watered yesterday and today I felt the soil quite dry already so I gave her some more water.
Could it be I’m not watering her enough?
Thanks!! #calathea
Last watered 4 days ago
Here’s a photo
It could be that or not enough light. North windows just don’t let in any light really during winter in the northern hemisphere. I’d try a brighter location. Still no direct sun though.
And plants do go through a transition when temps change. At first they seam to use no water then all the sudden you can’t water them enough !
I’m guessing lack of humidity and may be too cold. They like it warm and humid and the light needs to be just right since calatheas don’t like direct light, but still need the bright indirect light to thrive. Winter is rough for calatheas. I’ve noticed mine are starting to struggle, so my focus is on keeping them alive as it gets colder. I wish I had a greenhouse, but I haven’t quite figured out where to put one πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
@teacher12 my flat gets pretty cold, but it has some humidity/condensation on the windows. I have only an East facing and North facing window, not much luck I’m afraid!
@SoundlyAnahaw I have east and north windows and I’ve had to supplement with grow lights and a humidifier. Some are chill and some are throwing such tantrums. I love my Calathea crew but such brats.
Most of my crew
If possible, try to use distilled water or let the water sit out overnight. I stopped using distilled water at one point and my calatheas were not happy. They are divas for sure. I’ve lost more of these than any other type of plant, but I can’t quit them. 🀣πŸ₯°πŸŒ±
@teacher12 that’s so true!!! I neglected using filtered water :( I got a humidifier now, how much humidity % should it go to?
Also the soil feels super dry although I watered it less than a week ago! How often should I water?
@SoundlyAnahaw I’ll be honest, I don’t use any humidifiers because it’s pretty humid where I live, but I’m pretty sure you want to shoot for above 50%. For the soil, I use a water meter, or you can use a stick like a chopstick. If it comes out dry your plant needs to be watered. I like the cheap meters on Amazon.