
Posted 10M ago by @TidyTigerpear

Repots from today… 1. ‘Dark moon’ Echeveria 2. Snow Whi...

Repots from today…
1. ‘Dark moon’ Echeveria
2. Snow White Panda Plant
3. Anacampseros ‘Sunset’
4. Graptosedum ‘Blue Giant’
#HappyPlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #Succulent #GrowiSuccs #PlantAddict #RepotSeason repotting">#repotting #NewPotWhosThis #Anacampseros #Graptosedum #Echeveria #PandaPlant #FuzzyPlant #succulentsaturday
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Those are all beautiful. You did a great job, do you use soil under the pebble rocks or do you just well? What do you use for your succulents? Lol. My beautiful Sunset Anacampseros always seems to lose leaves on me. It’s colorful and it’s pretty but I’ll have like two or three leaves at the very top and then along them and then a bunch of leaves at the bottom. Hahaha what??
@TidyTigerpear they are soooo beautiful and so happy! Your dark moon looks an awful lot like my blue topaz…I know you know this…same thing different names or like, half a gene worth of difference?
Those are looking good! Hope to get around to a little potting tomorrow afternoon. It was a work Saturday for me.
@Keysgirl0179 thank you! & the pebbles on top is Bonsai Jack gritty mix, I use that on top to avoid extra moisture near the leaves or stem. I do use soil underneath, however it’s cactus soil, with added perlite (a lot), orchid bark, & more bonsai jack gritty mix. I mix it in with my soil, to make sure it drains well. For the ones that dry out quicker or tend to need more frequent waterings, I use less gritty mix or perlite. And my Anacampseros has never dropped any leaves, it’s actually one of the ones that gives me the LEAST troubles. It also tends to like more frequent watering, the more light it gets the more quickly it dries out,
@TidyTigerpear oh ok. I will have to try some over my like desert rose plant and other little succulents. I do notice the dirt will stay looking wet even though I haven’t watered it in a while.