
Posted 6M ago by @DeanMeadowsweet

Hi....I have so many leaves curled on my Pink Allusion pl...

Hi....I have so many leaves curled on my Pink Allusion plant....what am I doing wrong?
Last watered 6 months ago
Hi there- I’m in Copperas Cove! These guys like indirect sunlight, preferably in east facing window. Medium to bright light helps keep the pink color! Be careful of the afternoon sun and heat here- it will kill plants. Ugh!! It says the pot it’s in has no drainage- you will want to fix that- not allowing the water to drain can cause yellowing and not watering enough will turn tips brown. You can also try wiping the leaves- soft paper towel with lukewarm water- keep the dust away, and pests too. I hope this helps- there are so many wonderful knowledgeable people here that could help more.
Don't know why it says that as the pot has drainage....I don't have it near a window but it gets sunlight all day long