
Posted 6M ago by @JesssJungle

Dipper is a Collins Sundew! They are sub-tropical sundews...

Dipper is a Collins Sundew! They are sub-tropical sundews native to South Africa who don't experience dormancy. All of my other carnivores go dormant during the winter so I decided growing them outdoors was best. While Dipper loves the warm and humid days we are having right now, he might not appreciate it when it starts cooling down! So, I decided to plant him in his own bog garden and keep him inside under a T8 grow light. The light is about 1 foot above the plants. I added some succulent buddies and a few other plants around him. This set-up is temporary, until the end of the month when I'll be getting a shed that I'll use for sewing and growing plants. πŸ’š
More info about Collins Sundews here:
#sundew #collinssundew #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #boggarden #happyplants #plantaddict #growlights #planttherapy #theamigos #jesssjungle
6ft to light, indirect
3” pot without drainage
Last watered 3 hours ago
Dipper is lovely πŸ₯°. I have a cape sundew that is coming and it’s going to be growing inside.
I love it Jess!!! I especially like how you’ve added decorative rocks and shells. It looks great!
I love bog gardens they’re so cute, I’d like to come up with something for my pings at some point!
@LaSiguanaba thank you 😊 I have a lot lying around I just grab them and use them as I see fit in all my plants!
@Peachyhoyas yes I have 2 now, my other one has a corked drainage hole I'm experimenting with. It's outside and it rains so much occasionally that it'll flood.